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Consequences of Brexit

The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU, the Single Market and the Customs Union, created barriers to trade and cross-border exchanges that did not exist prior to 1 January 2021.

Consequences for public administrations, businesses and citizens were unavoidable, broad and far-reaching, even with the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement in place.

The Commission provided training and guidance to Member State administrations as well as stakeholders, and will continue to organise sectoral seminars with all Member States at technical level, to help fine-tune the implementation of readiness measures, in particular in the areas of border checks for persons and goods.

Regarding questions in respect of the application of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, citizens, associations and businesses can contact Europe direct Information service.

Moreover, the Commission provides for a single entry point where EU companies, trade organisations or non-governmental organisations can submit complaints on barriers to trade in non-EU countries, and about non-EU countries not meeting the commitments, including in the area of sustainable development, they have made in trade agreements.

Sectoral guidance notices

To assist, the Commission is reviewing – and where necessary updating – the over 100 sector-specific stakeholder preparedness notices it published during the Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom (these versions are available here). Those notices that have already been updated can be found underneath. They contain detailed information on what administrations, businesses and citizens have to do to prepare for the changes.

  • 16 MARCH 2020
Air transport
  • 8 APRIL 2020
Animal breeding (zootechnics)
  • 1 APRIL 2020
Animal transport
  • 7 JULY 2020
Asset management
  • 26 MAY 2020
Audiovisual media services
  • 18 DECEMBER 2020
Automotive CO2 emissions
  • 9 AUGUST 2021
Aviation and maritime security
  • 16 MARCH 2020
Aviation safety
  • 7 JULY 2020
Banking and payment services
  • 17 JUNE 2020
Biocidal products
  • 30 MARCH 2020
Chemicals (REACH)
  • 27 AUGUST 2020
Civil justice (“judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters”)
  • 7 MAY 2020
Clinical trials
  • 8 MARCH 2021
Company law
  • 16 MARCH 2020
Consumer protection and passenger rights
  • 23 JUNE 2020
  • 13 MARCH 2020
Cosmetic products
  • 7 JULY 2020
Credit rating agencies
  • 17 AUGUST 2020
Cultural goods (export and import)
  • 23 DECEMBER 2020
Customs, incl. preferential origin rules
  • 6 JULY 2020
Data protection
  • 24 JULY 2020
  • 17 DECEMBER 2020
Drug precursors
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2020
Dual use export controls
  • 26 MAY 2020
  • 26 MAY 2020
E-signature (electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions)
  • 14 JULY 2020
Eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)
  • 29 JUNE 2020
Electronic communications, incl. roaming
  • 7 JULY 2020
Emissions trading system
  • 23 JULY 2020
Energy - guarantees of origin and certification of installers
  • 2 DECEMBER 2020
EU Competition law
  • 26 MAY 2020
.eu domain names
  • 26 JUNE 2020
EU Ecolabel
  • 24 AUGUST 2020
  • 21 APRIL 2020
European Works Councils
  • 10 DECEMBER 2020
Excise duties
  • 25 JUNE 2020
Exhaustion of intellectual property rights
  • 24 AUGUST 2020
Explosives for civil use and explosives precursors
  • 17 JULY 2020
Export/import of hazardous chemicals (“prior informed consent”)
  • 13 MARCH 2020
  • 28 SEPTEMBER 2020
  • 15 SEPTEMBER 2020
  • 13 JULY 2020
Fluorinated greenhouse gases
  • 13 MARCH 2020
Food law
  • 1 APRIL 2020
Genetically-modified organisms
  • 26 MAY 2020
  • 6 JULY 2020
Geographical indications
  • 19 JUNE 2020
Good laboratory practice (GLP)
  • 13 MARCH 2020
Industrial products
  • 21 SEPTEMBER 2020
Inland waterways
  • 14 JULY 2020
Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision
  • 13 JULY 2020
  • 17 AUGUST 2020
Intellectual property enforcement by customs
  • 12 FEBRUARY 2021
Internal energy market
  • 22 JUNE 2020
“Invasive alien species”
  • 13 JULY 2020
Investment services (markets in financial instruments)
  • 17 AUGUST 2020
Landing of fishery products
  • 4 JUNE 2020
Maritime transport
  • 16 JULY 2020
Maritime transport - CO2 emissions reporting
  • 13 MARCH 2020
Medicinal products (human use, veterinary)
  • 25 JANUARY 2021
Medicinal products - Application of the Union’s pharmaceutical acquis in markets historically dependent on medicines supply from or through Great Britain after the end of the transition period
  • 14 JULY 2020
Motor vehicles (“Type-approval of vehicles, systems, components and separate technical units”)
  • 13 MARCH 2020
Movements of live animals
  • 24 APRIL 2020
Natural mineral waters
  • 16 MARCH 2020
Online purchase with subsequent parcel delivery
  • 25 MAY 2022
Organic products
  • 13 MARCH 2020
Plant health
  • 25 MAY 2020
Plant protection products
  • 15 MAY 2020
Plant reproductive material
  • 25 JUNE 2020
Plant variety rights
  • 14 JULY 2020
Post-trade financial services
  • 6 OCTOBER 2020
Posting of workers
  • 15 MAY 2020
Prohibitions and restrictions of imports/exports, incl. import/export licences
  • 12 MAY 2020
Protection of animals at the time of killing
  • 26 JANUARY 2021
Public Procurement
  • 6 JULY 2020
Pyrotechnic articles
  • 19 AUGUST 2020
Rail transport
  • 25 JUNE 2020
Recreational craft and personal watercraft
  • 13 JULY 2020
Road transport
  • 26 MAY 2020
Security of network and information systems
  • 8 JUNE 2020
Ship recycling
  • 11 FEBRUARY 2021
State aid
  • 13 JULY 2020
Statutory audits
  • 8 JUNE 2020
Substances of human origin (blood, tissues and cells, organs)
  • 15 JUNE 2020
Supplementary protection certificates for medicinal products and plant protection products
  • 20 JANUARY 2021
Tariff rate quotas
  • 23 JULY 2020
Timber trade (“fight against illegal logging and associated trade”)
  • 8 MAY 2020
Tobacco products
  • 18 JANUARY 2021
Trade defense instruments – general
  • 21 AUGUST 2020
Trade in protected species
  • 18 JUNE 2020
Trade marks and designs
  • 5 JUNE 2020
Transportable pressure equipment
  • 2 DECEMBER 2020
  • 10 DECEMBER 2020
Value added tax (VAT) – goods
  • 9 DECEMBER 2020
Value added tax (VAT) – services
  • 29 JUNE 2020
Waste shipments

Last updated on: 22 March 2021

Communication “Getting ready for changes”

On 9 July 2020, the Commission published a Communication “Getting ready for changes”.

It sets out a sector-by-sector overview of the most affected areas and suggests mitigating measures to national authorities, businesses and citizens.

  • 9 JULY 2020
Getting ready for changes - Communication on readiness at the end of the transition period between the European Union and the United Kingdom
  • 18 AUGUST 2020
  • Proposal for a decision

Regulation proposed by the Commission to counter unforeseen and adverse consequences of the Brexit in Member States and sectors that are worst affected.

Slides and other resources