Petition the EU - European Commission
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Petition the EU

Any individual or organisation based in the EU can submit a petition to the EU on an issue related to EU policy or law. Find out how to create and submit one.

When to submit a petition

You can ask the European Parliament to look into an issue that affects you, or complain about how an EU law is being applied. This is called a petition.

The European Parliament will look into the issue and will write back to you with its findings.

Who can start a petition?

  • any EU citizen
  • anyone living in an EU country
  • any company, organisation or association with its headquarters in an EU country

Your petition must concern one of the EU’s policy areas.

You can submit your petition individually, or as a group. There is no minimum number of signatures.

How to create or sign a petition

Before you start a petition, check your issue isn’t already covered by an existing petition.

You can create a petition in 2 ways:

  1. Online

Register on the petitions portal and follow the instructions.

2. By post

You can also send your petition by post. There is no form to fill in – but you must include your:

  • name
  • nationality
  • address
  • signature


Send your petition to:

Chair of the Petitions Committee

Postal address: European Parliament, 1047 Brussels, Belgium