Recipients and results of EU aid - European Commission
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Recipients and results of EU aid

Recipients, processes, and results of EU international aid.


The EU is collectively the biggest donor for international aid in the world, providing over € 50 billion a year to help overcoming poverty and advance global development. It is committed to implementing the international agreements on aid effectiveness and to being accountable to EU citizens, who make solidarity initiatives possible.

EU aid explorer

EU aid explorer is a unique web tool that provides easy access to clear, complete and accurate data on the EU's development and humanitarian aid around the world. Maps and graphs are used to visualise which donor is active where, which sectors and countries receive how much assistance and how funding changes over time. 


EDRIS, the European Emergency Disaster Response Information System, is a database containing detailed information on aid funding. It is managed by the European Commission and updated directly by EU countries.

Financial transparency system

The Financial transparency system is a database with the names of the beneficiaries of funds awarded by the Commission every year. It publishes beneficiaries only of funds from the EU budget that is managed by the Commission, as well as from the European Development Fund (EDF).