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Sustaining our quality of life: food security, water and nature


Europe’s quality of life depends on a secure and affordable supply of quality local food. We enjoy the healthiest and highest-quality food in the world, and that is thanks to our farms and the wider agri-food sector. The European Commission will work to ensure farming remains a core part of the European way of life and will aim to boost the sustainability and competitiveness of our blue economy.

This will go hand in hand with the protection of our natural world, which is home to and an important amenity for many Europeans, while being essential to regulating our climate and ensuring food and water security. Water is a cross-cutting resource necessary for food production, health, infrastructure, ecosystem protection and economy as a whole. As we learn to live with the impacts of our changing climate, we will make sure we continue to adapt to and be better prepared for the challenges that come our way.

A look at the numbers

9 million
farms in the EU
More than 17 million
people working in agriculture in the EU
€650 billion
the cost of natural hazards in the EU from 1980 to 2022 (of which around 16% in 2021-22)


Over the course of the Commission’s mandate between 2024-2029 and to sustain our quality of life, we will

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    Build a competitive and resilient agriculture and food system and safeguard biodiversity

    to support our farmers and safeguard our healthy food

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    Adapt and prepare for a changing climate

    to be ready and help those affected

How we will achieve our objectives

To sustain EU citizens' quality of life, the Commission will

Build a competitive and resilient agriculture and food system, safeguarding biodiversity

Boost climate adaptation, preparedness and solidarity

In the spotlight

Who is in charge

Portrait of Hadja Lahbib

Commissioner for Equality; Preparedness and Crisis Management

Portrait of Jessica Roswall

Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Competitive Circular Economy