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Labour markets and skills

Workforce productivity and employment rates are determining factors of a country's economic potential. Well-functioning labour markets and possibilities to develop skills are also important for people's well-being and social cohesion. Thematic factsheets look at policies that impact labour supply and labour demand, the matching of workers and jobs, and the acquisition of skills.


16 NOVEMBER 2016
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Active labour market policies – 2017

15 JUNE 2018
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Addressing inequalities – 2017

16 NOVEMBER 2016
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Early school leavers – 2017

16 NOVEMBER 2016
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Employment protection legislation – 2017

15 JUNE 2018
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Public employment services (PES) – 2017

16 NOVEMBER 2016
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Skills for the labour market – 2017

16 NOVEMBER 2016
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Tertiary education attainment – 2017

16 NOVEMBER 2016
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Undeclared work – 2017

16 NOVEMBER 2016
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Unemployment benefits – 2017

16 NOVEMBER 2016
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Wage developments and wage setting systems – 2017

22 NOVEMBER 2017
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Women in the labour market – 2017

22 NOVEMBER 2017
European Semester: Thematic factsheet – Youth employment – 2017