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What the Commission is doing

The New Consumer Agenda adopted in November 2020 presents a vision for EU consumer policy from 2020 to 2025 focusing on five key priority areas:

  1. The green transition
  2. The digital transformation
  3. Effective enforcement of consumer rights
  4. Specific needs of certain consumer groups; and
  5. International cooperation

The Agenda also addresses how to increase consumer protection and resilience during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought significant challenges affecting the daily lives of consumers.

More about the New Consumer Agenda


  • Ensure that sustainable products are available to consumers on the EU market and that consumers have better information to be able to make an informed choice
  • Promote repair and encourage more sustainable and “circular” products
  • Tackle online commercial practices that disregard consumers' right to make an informed choice, abuse their behavioural biases or distort their decision-making processes, such as dark patterns and hidden advertising
  • Adapt current rules to the ongoing digitalisation and the increase of connected products
  • Assist Member States in the timely implementation and enforcement of consumer law, including through the Consumer Protection Cooperation network
  • Support national authorities to tackle illegal online commercial practices and identify unsafe products
  • Safeguard certain groups of consumers, such as children, older people or those with disabilities, from vulnerable situations.
  • Develop an Action Plan with China in 2021 to enhance the safety of products sold online
  • Develop regulatory support, technical assistance and capacity building for EU partner regions including in Africa