The Global Gateway stands for sustainable and trusted connections that work for people and the planet. It helps to tackle the most pressing global challenges, from fighting climate change, to improving health systems, and boosting competitiveness and security of global supply chains. In focus Scaling up renewables in AfricaThe European Commission and the Republic of South Africa together with Global Citizen have launched the 'Scaling up Renewables in Africa' pledging campaign. It will mobilise investments to accelerate renewable energy projects across Africa and help people have access to affordable energy and help cut global emissions.More about the 'Scaling up Renewables in Africa' campaign Global Gateway overview The European Commission and the EU High Representative have set out the Global Gateway, a new European strategy to boost smart, clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport sectors and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world. We will support smart investments in quality infrastructure, respecting the highest social and environmental standards, in line with the EU’s values and standards. The Global Gateway strategy is a template for how Europe can build more resilient connections with the world. Between 2021 and 2027, Team Europe will mobilise up to €300 billion of investments for sustainable and high-quality projects, taking into account the needs of partner countries and ensuring lasting benefits for local communities. This will allow EU’s partners to develop their societies and economies, but also create opportunities for the EU Member States’ private sector to invest and remain competitive, whilst ensuring the highest environmental and labour standards, as well as sound financial management. The Global Gateway is the EU’s contribution to narrowing the global investment gap worldwide. It is in line with the commitment of the G7 leaders from June 2021 to launch a values-driven, high-standard and transparent infrastructure partnership to meet global infrastructure development needs. The Global Gateway is also fully aligned with the UN’s Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Paris Agreement. The inaugural milestone of the Global Gateway was the Africa-Europe Investment Package with approximately €150 billion of investment dedicated to bolstering cooperation with African partners. We have also started implementing Global Gateway in Asia and the Pacific and in Latin America and the Caribbean, where President von der Leyen announced a global investment by EU and its Member States of over €45 billion. In 2023, ninety key projects were launched worldwide across the digital, energy and transport sectors through Global Gateway to strengthen health, education, and research systems globally. Featured projects EU-Africa Global GatewayLatin America and Caribbean Global Gateway Principles of the Global Gateway The European model of trusted connectivity in partner countries is long-term and in line with EU’s interests and values: rule of law, human rights and international norms and standards. It is aboutsmart, clean and secure investments in quality infrastructureconnecting goods, people and services around the world in a sustainable way Global Gateway partnerships is based on 6 principles: democratic values and high standardsgood governance and transparencyequal partnershipsgreen and cleansecurity focusedcatalysing private sector investment Key areas of partnershipDigital sectorClimate and energyTransportHealthEducation and research Global Gateway initiatives by region/country Global Gateway is implemented through projects in Latin America and the Caribbean; the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific; and Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Gateway projects by region Sources of financing up to €300 billionin investments until 2027 The Global Gateway will be delivered through a Team Europe approach, which brings together the EU and EU Member States with their financial and development institutions. It also seeks to mobilise the private sector in order to leverage investments for a transformational impact. The Global Gateway draws on the new financial tools in the EU multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027, in particular the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI)-Global Europe, the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) III, the digital and international part of the Connecting Europe Facility, but also Interreg, InvestEU and Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme. Funding opportunities and sources of financing Latest 18 November 2024Remarks by President von der Leyen at Session I of the G20: Social Inclusion and the Fight against Hunger and Poverty22 May 2024European Health Union: stronger and better prepared for the future20 March 2024Team Europe and African partners launch four initiatives to strengthen health systems and social protection in Africa *19 February 2024EU and Rwanda sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Raw Materials Value ChainsSee all Documents General publications1 March 2023Directorate-General for International PartnershipsInfographics: Global Gateway 2023 Flagship projectsFind infographics that give an overview of projects around the world in 2023 1 DECEMBER 2021Joint Communication: The Global GatewayOther languages (23)български(224.9 KB - HTML)Downloadespañol(186.61 KB - HTML)Downloadčeština(185.75 KB - HTML)Downloaddansk(181.27 KB - HTML)DownloadDeutsch(188.94 KB - HTML)Downloadeesti(180.58 KB - HTML)Downloadελληνικά(227.42 KB - HTML)Downloadfrançais(192.47 KB - HTML)DownloadGaeilge(182.71 KB - HTML)Downloadhrvatski(181.82 KB - HTML)Downloaditaliano(189.79 KB - HTML)Downloadlatviešu(185.89 KB - HTML)Downloadlietuvių(185.58 KB - HTML)Downloadmagyar(192.91 KB - HTML)DownloadMalti(187.39 KB - HTML)DownloadNederlands(186.82 KB - HTML)Downloadpolski(193.91 KB - HTML)Downloadportuguês(188.59 KB - HTML)Downloadromână(191.93 KB - HTML)Downloadslovenčina(189.82 KB - HTML)Downloadslovenščina(181.76 KB - HTML)Downloadsuomi(183.69 KB - HTML)Downloadsvenska(184.45 KB - HTML)Download 1 DECEMBER 2021Press release: Global Gateway: up to €300 billion for the European Union's strategy to boost sustainable links around the worldOther languages (2)Deutsch(6.18 KB - HTML)Downloadfrançais(6.18 KB - HTML)Download 1 DECEMBER 2021Questions and answers on Global GatewayOther languages (2)Deutsch(6.18 KB - HTML)Downloadfrançais(6.18 KB - HTML)Download Related links Global Gateway in practiceTeam Europe Partnerships Portal
Scaling up renewables in AfricaThe European Commission and the Republic of South Africa together with Global Citizen have launched the 'Scaling up Renewables in Africa' pledging campaign. It will mobilise investments to accelerate renewable energy projects across Africa and help people have access to affordable energy and help cut global emissions.More about the 'Scaling up Renewables in Africa' campaign
The European model of trusted connectivity in partner countries is long-term and in line with EU’s interests and values: rule of law, human rights and international norms and standards. It is aboutsmart, clean and secure investments in quality infrastructureconnecting goods, people and services around the world in a sustainable way
18 November 2024Remarks by President von der Leyen at Session I of the G20: Social Inclusion and the Fight against Hunger and Poverty
20 March 2024Team Europe and African partners launch four initiatives to strengthen health systems and social protection in Africa *
19 February 2024EU and Rwanda sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Raw Materials Value Chains
General publications1 March 2023Directorate-General for International PartnershipsInfographics: Global Gateway 2023 Flagship projectsFind infographics that give an overview of projects around the world in 2023