Equality and inclusion - European Commission
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Equality and inclusion

Building a Union of Equality

It is the moment to show to the young generation that we can build a continent where you can be who you are, love who you want, and aim as high as you want.

Ursula von der Leyen, State of the Union speech 2023

The right to be who you are

In the EU, discrimination based on any grounds (such as sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation) is prohibited by law. But to many people, this is still a daily reality.

To make sure the fundamental rights of equality and non-discrimination are upheld, the Commission continuously proposes new policies and initiatives, focusing on promoting equality and inclusion.

Acting against discrimination

A continent where you can aim as high as you want

The EU is striving to be a continent where everyone can choose whichever path they want in life, free from gender-based violence and stereotypes.

Gender equality


  • a father helping his son do his homework
    70.2 points
    (out of 100) reached by the EU in the Gender Equality Index 2023
  • a woman working, looking at papers and a laptop
    of EU national parliament members are women
  • woman researcher looking into a microscope
    is the overall gender employment gap

Sources: European Institute for Gender Equality, Eurostat

A continent where you can love who you want

The European Union is at the forefront of better protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people’s rights.

  • LGBTIQ flag on a circular blue background
    23 EU countries
    have equality legislation on sexual orientation going beyond employment
  • woman with the LGBTIQ flag on her back
    100+ initiatives
    funded by the EU to support LGBTIQ people

Sources: Rainbow map, LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 progress report

A continent where you can be who you are

Tackling racism 

To tackle this, the Commission has adopted the Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025. Among other objectives, the plan

  • introduces measures and funding programmes to fight racism and discrimination in access to the labour market, education and training, healthcare, social protection and housing;
  • promotes a series of actions to address racial and ethnic stereotypes with the media, civil society and representatives of people with a minority racial or ethnic background;
  • encourages Member States to adopt measures to avoid or compensate disadvantages linked to discrimination based on race or ethnic origin.

Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025

More inclusion for people with disabilities

  • a man carrying a white cane
    101 million
    people in the EU have a disability
  • five people in wheelchairs looking up
    feel discriminated against
  • man in a wheelchair in front of a desk, working on his computer
    are in employment

Source: Strategy for the Rights of Persons with disabilities 2021-2030 (survey conducted among persons with disabilities)

Roma equality, inclusion and participation

  • cutting the proportion of Roma with experience of discrimination by at least half
  • reducing the poverty gap between Roma and general population by at least half
  • cutting the proportion of Roma children who attend segregated primary schools by at least half in Member States with a significant Roma population
  • cutting the gap in life expectancy by at least half

Roma equality, inclusion and participation in the EU

The equality task force

All five Union of Equality strategies combine targeted measures (such as equality legislation or dedicated awareness-raising activities) and efforts to mainstream equality in other policy areas.

To help mainstream equality across all policy areas, the Commission created a dedicated task force.

The Task Force on Equality of the European Commission