Põhisisu juurde

mõttevahetus poliitiliste prioriteetide üle


14. veebruar 2018


EU budget


The European Commission has set out options - and their financial consequences - for a new, modern, long-term EU budget in order to deliver efficiently on the priorities for Europeans beyond 2020. When discussing about the level of ambition of EU action in areas - like protecting the EU's external borders, supporting a true European Defence Union, boosting Europe's digital transformation or making the EU's cohesion and agricultural policies more efficient - it is important to be aware of what different choices would mean concretely in terms of funding at EU level.

The Communication and factsheets below achieve exactly this – they quantify the financial impact of various possible policy choices. They also set out the negative consequences for citizens and businesses if the adoption of the new EU budget were to be delayed.


14. VEEBRUAR 2018
Uus tänapäevane mitmeaastane finantsraamistik Euroopa Liidu jaoks, mis võimaldab tõhusalt saavutada tema prioriteete ka pärast 2020. aastat
14. VEEBRUAR 2018
Milleks raha kasutatakse?
14. VEEBRUAR 2018
Miks tuleks viivitusi vältida?
14. VEEBRUAR 2018
Milline on meie tuleviku Euroopa?
14. VEEBRUAR 2018
ELi eelarve tuluallikate nüüdisajastamine
26. VEEBRUAR 2018
Menetlused ja ajakava