Education and training - European Commission
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Education and training

What the Commission is doing

The EU strategy for education promotes collaboration between European Union (EU) Member States and key stakeholders and allows the monitoring of progress towards the achievement of their collective vision.

More on the European Education Area strategic framework


The European Education Area strategic framework was put in place to structure collaboration between EU Member States and key stakeholders to achieve their collective vision. 

The framework does so by

  • strengthening means of policy cooperation and reaching out to stakeholders to encourage their engagement with the initiative
  • enhancing synergies with other relevant initiatives, including the European Research Area and the Bologna Process
  • identifying targets and indicators to guide work and monitor progress towards achieving the EEA
  • fostering the integration of education and training into the European Semester process


The following 7 targets should be attained to fully realise the European Education Area.

By 2025

  • at least 60% of recent graduates from VET should benefit from exposure to work-based learning during their vocational education and training
  • at least 47% of adults aged 25-64 should have participated in learning during the last 12 months

By 2030

  • less than 15% of 15-year-olds should be low-achievers in reading, mathematics and science
  • less than 15% of eighth-graders should be low-achievers in computer and information literacy
  • at least 96% of children between 3 years old and the starting age for compulsory primary education should participate in early childhood education and care
  • less than 9% of pupils should leave education and training early
  • at least 45% of 25-34 year-olds should have a higher education qualification

See what other EU institutions are doing on education and training