Sib informazzjoni dwar l-ismijiet, l-indirizzi u l-okkupanti tal-bini tal-Kummissjoni fil-Lussemburgu. Indirizz Okkupanti Ariane (ARIA) Luxembourg/Cloche d'Or 400, route d'Esch au L-1471, Luxembourg Mappa tal-post DĠT - OIL - HR Joseph Bech (BECH) Rue 5, rue Alphonse Weicker L-2721 Luxembourg Mappa tal-post Eurostat - DĠT - AELE - SJ - EMPL - CDP - OSP Centre polyvalent de l’enfance interinstitutionnel (CPE) Bâtiment CPE I 1, rue Albert Borschette / L-1246 Luxembourg Mappa tal-post Bâtiment CPE III 5, rue Albert Borschette / L-1246 Luxembourg Mappa tal-post Bâtiment CPE V 6, rue Gaston Thorn / L-8268 Bertrange Mappa tal-post Garderie - Ċentru ta’ studju u rikreazzjoni Drosbach (DRB) 12, rue Guillaume Kroll L-1882 Luxembourg Mappa tal-post DIGIT - HR - HR.DS - ECFIN - SANTE - PMO - BUDG - OIL Euroforum (EUFO) 10, rue Robert Stumper L-2557 Luxembourg/Gasperich Mappa tal-post HR.DS - ENER - DIGIT Fischer (FISR) 135-137 rue Adolphe Fischer L- 1521 Luxembourg HR - EAS - EPSO Foyer européen 10-12, rue Heinrich Heine L-1720 Luxembourg Mappa tal-post Laccolith (LACC) 18-20 rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453, Luxembourg Mappa tal-post DĠT Maison de l’Europe Bâtiment Konrad Adenauer 2920 Kirchberg, Luxembourg DĠ COMM; Ir-Rappreżentanza tal-Kummissjoni fil-Lussemburgu L-Uffiċċju ta' Informazzjoni tal-Parlament Mercier - Post (MERP) 20 rue de Reims L-2417 Luxembourg L-Uffiċċju tal-Pubblikazzjonijiet - CNECT T2 1-7 Boulevard Pierre Frieden L- 1543, Luxembourg Mappa tal-post DĠT - OLAF *Il-viżitaturi b’mobbiltà limitata jistgħu jirriżervaw spazju fil-parkeġġ tal-bini billi jikkuntattjaw lir-reception f’dak il-bini. Documents Communication26 Settembru 2016Id-Direttorat Ġenerali tar-Riżorsi Umani u tas-SigurtàPolicy on video surveillance around European Commission buildingsThe European Commission makes use of surveillance cameras on some of the sites that it occupies to protect people who are entering. Links relatati Commission decision 2021-6669 amending Decision C(2020) 5973 as regards additional specific health and safety rules for the Commission sites of Brussels and LuxembourgCommission decision 2021_7699 of 21.10.2021 amending Decision C(2020) 5973 as regards the digital verification of COVID-19 certificatesPrivacy statement digital verification of COVID-19 certificates
Communication26 Settembru 2016Id-Direttorat Ġenerali tar-Riżorsi Umani u tas-SigurtàPolicy on video surveillance around European Commission buildingsThe European Commission makes use of surveillance cameras on some of the sites that it occupies to protect people who are entering.