A cancer plan for Europe - European Commission
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Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan


Saving lives through sustainable cancer prevention

About 40% of cancer cases are preventable: effective cancer prevention strategies can prevent illness, save lives, and reduce suffering.

Improving early detection of cancer

Early detection through screening can help save lives. But inequalities to access persist between Member States.

The number of at-risk people being tested varies among Member states. It ranges from

6% to 90%
for breast cancer
25% to 80%
for cervical cancer

In January 2024, The Commission put forward a Recommendation to support Member States in their efforts to prevent cancer through vaccination. Part of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan and a key pillar of the European Health Union, it focuses on boosting the uptake of two key vaccinations that can prevent viral infections that may lead to cancer: Human papillomaviruses (HPV) and Hepatitis B virus (HBV), as well as improving the monitoring of coverage rates.

Cancer Plan targets for 2030

HPV vaccination
90% of girls and significant increase for boys
HBV vaccination
Access and increase uptake for all

With the new approach to cancer detection proposed in September 2022, the Commission will support Member States in ensuring that 90% of the EU population who qualify for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings are offered such screening by 2025. The proposal also expands population-based organised cancer screening to include lung, prostate and, under certain circumstances, gastric cancers.

Equal access to cancer diagnosis and treatment

Improving quality of life for cancer patients and survivors

There are estimated to be over 12 million cancer survivors in Europe, including around 300 000 childhood cancer survivors, thanks to advances in early detection, effective therapies and supportive care.

Thanks to advances in early detection, effective therapies and supportive care, there is estimated to be

Over 12 million cancer survivors in Europe

including around 300 000 childhood cancer survivors

While this is a reason for optimism, there also needs to be appropriate follow-up care, access to social protection and equal access to financial services, including insurance.


  • 4 FEBRUARY 2025
Staff Working Document: Review of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan
  • 22 MAY 2024
Europe's Beating Cancer Plan: Making a difference
  • 2 FEBRUARY 2022
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: One year on
  • 31 JANUARY 2022
Europe's Beating Cancer Plan: Implementation Roadmap
  • 5 FEBRUARY 2021
Factsheet: SAMIRA (Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications)
  • 3 FEBRUARY 2021
Communication: "Europe's Beating Cancer Plan"
  • 3 FEBRUARY 2021
Factsheet: Europe's Beating Cancer Plan