An economy that works for peopleEnsuring social fairness and prosperity About Individuals and businesses in the EU can only thrive if the economy works for them.The EU’s unique social market economy allows economies to grow and to reduce poverty and inequality. Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of the EU’s economy. It is essential to strengthen them, complete the Capital Markets Union and deepen the Economic and Monetary Union.With Europe on a stable footing, the economy can fully respond to the needs of EU citizens. Highlight Investing in Europe’s prosperityThe Commission’s action has been oriented to build an economy that works for people and businesses, ensuring social fairness and prosperity. By funding critical infrastructure, supporting small businesses, and promoting sustainable practices, the Commission is laying the groundwork for long-term growth. Initiatives like NextGenerationEU are revitalising economies post-COVID-19, while InvestEU is boosting innovation and job creation. The reform of economic governance and state aid rules is preparing the EU for future challenges, alongside sustainable trade policies and a solid digital finance framework that are strengthening Europe’s global influence.Read more Key figures €800 billioninvested in NextGenerationEU recovery plan6 millionjobs created in the EU in 202160%of all adults to participate in training every year by 2030 What we are working on Delivering a strong Social EuropeBuilding a strong social economy that is fair, inclusive, and responds to the needs of all EU citizensNextGenerationEUEurope’s plan to address the most important challengesEuropean Skills AgendaHelping individuals and businesses develop more and better skillsEuropean Pillar of Social Rights Action PlanBuilding a fairer and more inclusive European UnionNew Consumer AgendaEmpowering European consumers to play an active role in the green and digital transitionsAdequate minimum wages in the EUEnsuring that workers in the EU earn adequate minimum wagesWorking conditions of platform workersEnsuring labour rights and social benefits for people working through digital labour platformsNew Business Taxation AgendaEnsuring sustainable growth and public revenuesSmall and medium-size enterprises strategySupporting and empowering SMEs of all sizes and sectorsCapital Markets UnionA plan to unlock funding for Europe’s growth Timeline 5 July 2024New rules on general vehicle safety enter into force26 June 2024The Commission presents the 2024 Convergence Report, assessing the progress of six EU countries towards adopting the euro29 April 2024The Council adopts reform of fiscal rules20 March 2024The Commission sets out actions to tackle labour and skills shortages20 March 2024The Commission takes action to improve the quality of traineeships in the EU20 March 2024The Commission proposes a series of targeted actions to boost biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU27 February 2024The Commission presents a new strategy to make the EU an industry leader in advanced materials14 February 2024The Commission monitors strengths and challenges of EU’s competitiveness in the 2024 Annual Single Market and Competitiveness Report.10 February 2024Political agreement on the reform of the EU’s economic governance framework7 February 2024Political agreement on the revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021-2027 and the launch of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP)24 January 2024The Commission puts forward a trade and research package to strengthen the EU's economic security24 January 2024Proposal to revise the European Works Councils (EWCs) Directive to further improve social dialogue in the EU1 January 2024New rules to combat fraud on cross-border payments in the EU enter into force27 December 2023Anti-Coercion Instrument enters into force14 December 2023Political agreement on rules enforcing human rights and environmental sustainability in global supply chains13 December 2023Political agreement on improving working conditions in platform work12 December 2023Political agreement on new rules criminalising the violation of EU sanctions12 December 2023Political agreement on rules strengthening asset recovery and confiscation in the EU21 November 2023 The Commission launches the 2024 European Semester cycle that helps identify economic and social challenges in the EU6 September 2023Presentation of a Communication on the digitalisation of social security coordination, to make access to social security services quicker and simpler across borders28 June 2023The Commission puts forward two proposals as part of the Single Currency Package28 June 2023The Commission puts forward proposals to bring payments and the wider financial sector into the digital age20 June 2023The European Commission and the High Representative propose a European Economic Security Strategy20 June 2023EU budget: The Commission proposes to reinforce long-term EU budget to face most urgent challenges, and completes its proposal for a next generation of own resources13 June 2023Sustainable Finance: the Commission takes further steps to boost investment for a sustainable future 13 June 2023The Commission proposes ways to harness full potential of social economy for jobs, innovation and social inclusion24 May 2023The Commission presented its annual European Semester Spring Package24 May 2023Capital Markets Union: Commission proposes new rules to protect and empower retail investors in the EU26 April 2023New economic governance rules for a more resilient and competitive economy18 April 2023Banking Union: The Commission proposes reform of bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework31 March 2023NextGenerationEU: Disbursements under Recovery and Resilience Facility pass €150 billion mark8 March 2023The Commission sets out guidance to Member States on the conduct and coordination of fiscal policy for next year25 January 2023 Presentation of an initiative to further strengthen and promote social dialogue at national and EU level.1 January 202330th anniversary of the Single Market1 January 2023Croatia joins the euro area8 December 2022Adoption of a series of measures to modernise the EU’s Value-Added Tax (VAT) system7 December 2022Capital Markets Union: new proposals on clearing, corporate insolvency and company listing to make EU capital markets more attractive22 November 2022Economic policy coordination: Commission sets out guidance to help tackle the energy crisis and make Europe greener and more digital14 November 2022Entry into force of the Minimum Wages Directive9 November 2022Commission sets out orientations for a reformed EU economic governance framework12 October 2022Proposal to make 2023 the European Year of Skills28 September 2022Comprehensive approach to better protect people and the environment from asbestosProposal for a Council Recommendation on adequate minimum income ensuring active inclusion7 June 2022Political agreement for gender balance on company boards19 May 2022Political agreement on the new “EU Single Window Environment for Customs” - a tool to streamline digital customs cooperation and facilitate trade11 May 2022Debt-equity bias reduction allowance (DEBRA)22 March 2022Application of pan-European personal pension product (“PEPP”) Regulation16 March 2022Revision of Central Securities Depositories Regulation23 February 2022Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence1 January 202220 years of euro banknotes and coins in our pocketsStart of the European Year of Youth22 December 2021Directive on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation for multinational groupsInitiative to fight against the misuse of shell entities for improper tax purposes10 December 2021Commission proposals for Council Recommendations on micro-credentials and individual learning accounts9 December 2021Action plan to help European social economy thriveProposal to improve the working conditions of people working through digital platforms8 December 2021New tool to counter the use of economic coercion by third countries7 December 2021Agreement reached by EU finance ministers on updating the rules governing VAT rates for goods and services25 November 2021Measures to boost Europe's capital markets27 October 2021Review of EU banking rules (Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV))12 October 2021Issuance of first green bond22 September 2021Comprehensive review of EU insurance rules20 July 2021Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism legislative package10 July 2021Historic global agreement to ensure fairer taxation of multinational enterprises6 July 2021European Green Bond Standard28 June 2021Entry into force of new VAT rules for online shopping to simplify life for traders and introduce more transparency for consumersEU strategic framework on health and safety at work 2021-202724 June 2021EU proposes World Customs Organization modernisation in support of a strengthened multilateral order18 May 2021Communication on business taxation for the 21st century7-8 May 2021Social Summit in Porto5 May 2021Regulation on foreign subsidies distorting the Single Market24 March 2021European Child Guarantee4 March 2021European Pillar of Social Rights Action PlanCommission Recommendation on Effective Active Support to Employment to promote job creation and support job transitions28 October 2020Directive on adequate minimum wagesProposal for a Regulation establishing the EU Single Window for Customs21 October 2020Inaugural social bond under SURE instrument21 July 2020Agreement on the recovery plan and MFF for 2021-20271 July 2020Youth unemployment support packageEuropean Skills Agenda27 May 2020Presentation of NextGenerationEU7 May 2020Action plan on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing2 April 2020Temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE) instrumentShow 71 more items14 January 2020Communication on A strong Social Europe for just transitions Featured European Pillar of Social Rights - Minimum incomeEuropean Pillar of Social Rights - Minimum incomeOwn your future, invest in you!Own your future, invest in you!Close Latest 26 November 2024Statement by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis at the press conference on the European Semester Autumn package26 November 2024Remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni at the press conference of the European Semester Autumn Package26 November 2024Questions and answers on the European Semester Autumn Package26 November 2024First European Semester Autumn Package under new economic governance framework sets out path for sound public finances and sustainable and inclusive growthSee all Follow the latest news and get involvedEU SocialEU SocialEU BudgetEU FinanceEU Growth EU GrowthEU Consumer AffairsEU Economy & Finance (DG ECFIN)Other social networks Policy areasEconomic and financial unionCreating a deeper and fairer economic and monetary unionJobs, growth and investmentBoosting investment and creating jobsYouth employment supportA bridge to jobs for the next generationInternal MarketA deeper and fairer internal marketThe European SemesterThe EU annual cycle of economic policy co-ordinationState aidEnsuring that state-owned resources are not deployed to distort competition in the single marketFinancial servicesPreserving financial stability in the EU, by protecting savers and investors Economic forecastsMacroeconomic forecasts for the EU and its Member States Related links InvestEUInvestment Plan resultsReform support for the financial sector
Individuals and businesses in the EU can only thrive if the economy works for them.The EU’s unique social market economy allows economies to grow and to reduce poverty and inequality. Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of the EU’s economy. It is essential to strengthen them, complete the Capital Markets Union and deepen the Economic and Monetary Union.With Europe on a stable footing, the economy can fully respond to the needs of EU citizens.
Investing in Europe’s prosperityThe Commission’s action has been oriented to build an economy that works for people and businesses, ensuring social fairness and prosperity. By funding critical infrastructure, supporting small businesses, and promoting sustainable practices, the Commission is laying the groundwork for long-term growth. Initiatives like NextGenerationEU are revitalising economies post-COVID-19, while InvestEU is boosting innovation and job creation. The reform of economic governance and state aid rules is preparing the EU for future challenges, alongside sustainable trade policies and a solid digital finance framework that are strengthening Europe’s global influence.Read more
Delivering a strong Social EuropeBuilding a strong social economy that is fair, inclusive, and responds to the needs of all EU citizens
New Consumer AgendaEmpowering European consumers to play an active role in the green and digital transitions
Working conditions of platform workersEnsuring labour rights and social benefits for people working through digital labour platforms
26 November 2024Statement by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis at the press conference on the European Semester Autumn package
26 November 2024Remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni at the press conference of the European Semester Autumn Package
26 November 2024First European Semester Autumn Package under new economic governance framework sets out path for sound public finances and sustainable and inclusive growth
State aidEnsuring that state-owned resources are not deployed to distort competition in the single market