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Investment Plan results

Breakdown of results by country and sector from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).

EU-wide results as of March 2022

  • Investment Plan expected to trigger €524.3 billion in investments
  • around 1,460,732 SMEs set to benefit

Macroeconomic impact of the Investment Plan

  • 27 NOVEMBER 2019
Factsheet: The Juncker Plan's impact on jobs and growth

Latest results infographic

EFSI dashboard January 2021

European Investment Bank Group figures

1. EFSI (European Fund for Strategic Investment) investment by sector based on approved operations:

  • 33% to smaller companies
  • 27% to research, development and innovation
  • 15% to energy
  • 9% to digital
  • 6% to transport
  • 6% to social infrastructure
  • 3% to environment and resource efficiency
  • 1% to bioeconomy

2. The European Fund for Strategic Investment has approved €99.3 billion of financing, of which €87.4 billion has been signed. This is expected to generate €524.3 billion in total investments related to EFSI approvals (exceeding the target by 2020 of €500bn). Of the €99.3 billion approved EFSI financing, €65.8 billion is European Investment Bank-approved and €33.5 billion is European Investment Fund-approved.

3. Examples of EFSI projects:

  • 531,000 affordable flats built or renovated;
  • renewable energy for over 10 million households;
  • and better waste treatment for 33.3 million people.


This table shows the breakdown by country of EFSI finance approved by the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group; how much investment that EFSI finance is set to trigger; and how the countries rank by total investment set to be triggered by the EFSI as a proportion of GDP (as of March 2022).


Country EFSI finance approved by EIB Group (€ million)

Set to trigger investment of

(€ million)

Ranking (1-28): EFSI-triggered investment per € of GDP
Austria 2100 6800 16
Belgium 1832 9316 23
Bulgaria 773 4665 3
Croatia 449 1575 6
Cyprus 152 401 13
Czechia 1149 6726 17
Denmark 1228 5998 24
Estonia 256 2845 5
Finland 1894 11031 8
France 16499 84938 12
Germany 8441 40023 26
Greece 2906 14104 2
Hungary 662 4479 20
Ireland 1572 7494 21
Italy 13085 76195 9
Latvia 258 1407 7
Lithuania 335 1833 15
Luxembourg 157 637 27
Malta 44 211 25
Netherlands 4250 17354 18
Poland 3996 21914 11
Portugal 3969 13466 1
Romania 1121 5185 19
Slovakia 643 1999 14
Slovenia 197 1317 22
Spain 12691 56475 4
Sweden 3728 14599 10
United Kingdom* 1985 21000 28
Multi-country operations** 10896 73047  

*The UK received EFSI financing during its membership of the EU. Following its withdrawal from the EU, the UK does not receive any new support under EFSI.

** This amount refers to operations in more than one country as well as covering financing  operations which have been approved and for which the target countries are still to be allocated.



  • 2 JULY 2020
Factsheet: Investment Plan exceeds €500 billion investment target

  • 13 JULY 2018
Factsheet: Juncker Plan reaches €315 billion investment target