Politike, strategije in statistika varstva potrošnikov.
EU omogoča potrošnikom, ki naletijo na težave pri nakupu izdelka ali storitve, da zadevo predložijo sodišču ali jo rešijo z zunajsodno poravnavo.
Pravila o zagotavljanju varnosti proizvodov v EU, nevarni izdelki.
Pravila EU o potrošniških pogodbah in trženju, nepoštenih poslovnih praksah, paketnih potovanjih in storitvah časovnega zakupa ter izvrševanju pravic potrošnikov.
The EU works with other countries to share information on unsafe products, coordinate standardisation efforts and promote awareness of product safety.
Consumer credit rights, including the right to information, to change your mind and to pay back ahead of time, and the consumer credit information form.
Consumer energy rights, energy bill requirements, sample bills and information on the Citizens' Energy Forum and the ECCG.