Išsamūs duomenys Paskelbimo data2016 m. gruodžio 7 d. (Paskutinį kartą atnaujinta: 2023 m. birželio 20 d.) Aprašymas Kasmet Komisija parengia metinę valdymo ir veiklos rezultatų ataskaitą, kurioje apžvelgiami rezultatai, pasiekti naudojant ES biudžetą, ir paaiškinama, kaip buvo valdomos ir saugomos jo lėšos. Ši ataskaita yra pagrindinis Komisijos indėlis į metinį biudžeto įvykdymo patvirtinimo procesą. Ataskaitoje nurodoma, kokiomis priemonėmis Komisija užtikrina, kad ES biudžetas būtų valdomas pagal aukščiausius patikimo finansų valdymo standartus. Paskelbdama šią ataskaitą Komisija prisiima bendrą politinę atsakomybę už ES biudžeto valdymą. Tai paskutinis Komisijos metinio planavimo, programavimo ir atskaitomybės ciklo etapas. Metinė ES biudžeto valdymo ir veiklos rezultatų ataskaita (MVVRA) įtraukta į Komisijos integruotųjų finansinių ir atskaitomybės ataskaitų rinkinį, kurį sudaro ir kitos ataskaitos, pavyzdžiui, konsoliduotosios finansinės ataskaitos. Integruotųjų finansinių ir atskaitomybės ataskaitų rinkinys yra pagrindinis Komisijos indėlis į metinę biudžeto įvykdymo patvirtinimo procedūrą, per kurią Europos Parlamentas ir Taryba galutinai patvirtina konkrečių metų biudžeto įvykdymą. Dokumentai Annual management and performance report2024 m. birželio 19 d.Generalinis sekretoriatasAnnual management and performance report 2023Annual management and performance report 2023 Annual management and performance report2023 m. birželio 20 d.Annual management and performance report 2022Annual management and performance report 2022 Annual management and performance report2022 m. birželio 7 d.Annual management and performance report 2021Annual management and performance report 2021 Annual management and performance report2021 m. birželio 8 d.Annual management and performance report 2020Annual management and performance report 2020 Annual management and performance report2020 m. birželio 25 d.Annual management and performance report 2019Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Annual management and performance report2019 m. birželio 25 d.Annual management and performance report 2018Every year Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Annual management and performance report2018 m. birželio 7 d.Annual management and performance report 2017Every year Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Annual management and performance report2017 m. birželio 13 d.Generalinis sekretoriatasAnnual management and performance report 2016Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Annual management and performance report2016 m. liepos 5 d.Annual management and performance report 2015Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 2016 m. gruodžio 7 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2014 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 2016 m. gruodžio 7 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2013 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 2016 m. gruodžio 7 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2012 – report and annexesEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 2016 m. gruodžio 7 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2011 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 2011 m. birželio 1 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2010Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 2010 m. birželio 2 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2009Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 2017 m. spalio 9 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2008Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2008 2008 m. birželio 4 d.Synthesis of the Commission's management achievements in 2007Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Susijusios nuorodos Strateginiai dokumentai
Annual management and performance report2024 m. birželio 19 d.Generalinis sekretoriatasAnnual management and performance report 2023Annual management and performance report 2023
Annual management and performance report2023 m. birželio 20 d.Annual management and performance report 2022Annual management and performance report 2022
Annual management and performance report2022 m. birželio 7 d.Annual management and performance report 2021Annual management and performance report 2021
Annual management and performance report2021 m. birželio 8 d.Annual management and performance report 2020Annual management and performance report 2020
Annual management and performance report2020 m. birželio 25 d.Annual management and performance report 2019Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
Annual management and performance report2019 m. birželio 25 d.Annual management and performance report 2018Every year Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
Annual management and performance report2018 m. birželio 7 d.Annual management and performance report 2017Every year Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
Annual management and performance report2017 m. birželio 13 d.Generalinis sekretoriatasAnnual management and performance report 2016Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
Annual management and performance report2016 m. liepos 5 d.Annual management and performance report 2015Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
2016 m. gruodžio 7 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2014 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
2016 m. gruodžio 7 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2013 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
2016 m. gruodžio 7 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2012 – report and annexesEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
2016 m. gruodžio 7 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2011 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
2011 m. birželio 1 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2010Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
2010 m. birželio 2 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2009Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
2017 m. spalio 9 d.Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2008Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2008
2008 m. birželio 4 d.Synthesis of the Commission's management achievements in 2007Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.