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Tender opportunities – Infrastructure and Logistics (Brussels)

Find information on ongoing calls for tender launched by the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels and Luxembourg

Call for applications

Preliminary sales of 23 buildings of the European Union in Brussels (FR)

Ongoing calls for tender

Calls for tender are notices published by European Commission departments when seeking applicants who can deliver specific services, goods or work in exchange for payment.

The OIB procedures regarding supplies and services ≥ EUR 140,000 are published on TED (Tenders Electronic Daily). Procedures regarding works > EUR 500,000 are published either on TED or on this page, depending on the type of procedure.

Find open calls for tenders from the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels and Luxembourg

Low-value contracts

The low and medium-value contracts below are available in French.

Achat et maintenance mise sous plis

Achat d'une imprimante grand format et ses consommables avec services de maintenance omnium et services associés

Fourniture de linge de maison dans les services d’accueil de l’enfance de la Commission européenne à Bruxelles

Prestations de séances de psychomotricité dans le cadre du projet pédagogique des Services d’Accueil à l’Enfance gérés par la Commission européenne à Bruxelles

Closed calls for tenders

Find closed calls for tenders from the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels

Commission property requirements

Property prospection notice pertaining to the property market for 2024 – Forecasts of multiannual property requirements for years 2024 to 2028 for the European Commission in Brussels including prospection within the local market

2 MARCH 2022
Prospecting Sheet

Contact: OIB-PIMMatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (OIB-PIMM[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Property prospecting notices

How do I sign up to receive property prospecting notices?

29 JANUARY 2021
Property prospecting notices


Contact us

For further information on calls for tender launched by the OIB please contact us at:

Office for Infrastructure and Logistics – Brussels
OIB.02 "Budget, public procurement, internal control and programming"
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. (32-2) 298 69 89
Fax: (32-2) 296 05 70
Email: OIB-MARCHES-PUBLICSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (OIB-MARCHES-PUBLICS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)




14 DECEMBER 2020
Standard guarantee for OIB


14 DECEMBER 2020
Declaration of honour