Spending and revenue - European Commission
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EU spending and revenue 2021-2027

Interactive chart showing the EU spending and revenue for the 2021-2027 period by year and by country.

The interactive chart below presents the information on expenditure and revenue under the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework. In addition, the interactive chart also shows the expenditure under NextGenerationEU, which is channelled through the budget as external assigned revenue from dedicated borrowings. The data is available for download at the bottom of the page (also for previous long-term budgets). For more information on the MFF, see here.

For data related to the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework, see Interactive chart: spending and revenue 2014-2020.

The amounts are for presentation purposes only. Any formal reference to budgetary information should be to official budget documents and reports.

How to use

Click on one of the three tabs ("Overview", "Spending" and "Revenue") to switch between the visualisations. You can use the filters (e.g. year, country) to select one or multiple values to display. Your current selection is displayed in the blue bar: click on it to modify it, or on the "x" to remove it. Depending on your current selection, not all options in the filter may be available: if it is not possible to select a value, it will appear in a dark grey background.

The current selection can be downloaded by clicking on the button "Download the selected data" in the chart.


  • 29 JULY 2024
EU spending and revenue - Data 2000-2023

Data for years prior to 2000 is available from the 2008 Financial Report

Benefits of EU membership

The EU budget is not a zero-sum game. Everybody wins from EU membership, enjoying borderless travel, affordable phone calls from abroad and a coordinated EU response to the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences. All EU Member States benefit from being part of the single market, addressing the challenges of migration and fighting terrorism and climate change together, as well as from better roads, modernised public services and cutting-edge medical treatment.

The allocation of expenditure to Member States is by definition imperfect, as it does not reflect the advantages of participation in our shared European project or the added value of the EU budget. The accounting benefits shown above cover only a small share of the overall advantages of EU membership. Expenditure that appears to go only to a Member State may benefit several or all of them given strong spill overs of EU expenditure, or address a European public good that requires shared financing.

See also Benefits of the EU budget