Page contentsPage contents Virtual classes We offer coaching and online classes to Masters and post-graduate programmes in Conference Interpreting.Experienced interpretation trainers guide students and give feedback remotely.More than 50 universities around the world have already joined our 'virtual classroom'.Contact: scic-virtual-classec [dot] europa [dot] eu (scic-virtual-class[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) Speech Repository Speech Repository is an e-learning tool developed by the Directorate-General for Interpretation which provides audio-visual training material for conference interpreting students and trainers. It contains a collection of recordings, either excerpts of conferences or other public meetings as well as training speeches made by interpreters from the European institutions. These are organised by language, level of difficulty, type of interpreting mode and subject. You have immediate access to more than 4,000 speeches. It covers all 24 official EU languages, the languages of some of the candidate countries, plus Russian, Arabic and Chinese. My Speech Repository video tutorial My Speech Repository - what our users say Contact: SCIC-Speech-Repositoryec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SCIC-Speech-Repository[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) SCICtrain SCICtrain contains a number of videos for students and trainers which cover a wide array of interpretation techniques, tools and resources. Training modules for interpreting students Practice resources ORCIT: Online Resources for Conference Interpreter Training CVCE: Centre virtuel de la connaissance sur l'Europe Wake Forest University collection of speeches European Commission Audiovisual Services Multimedia Centre - European Parliament Council streaming