A reflection on how to better empower consumers to make effective choices regarding tracking-based advertising models.
CPC authorities and consumer organisations strive for an optimal cooperation with the intent to improving compliance with consumer protection legislations and to detect market infringements.
Applying for an injunction against a trader who infringes on consumer rights
EU efforts to protect consumers in the global market
Bendradarbiavimo vartotojų apsaugos srityje tinklo veiksmai, susiję su nesąžiningais prekiautojais per COVID-19 protrūkį.
A "sweep" is a set of checks carried out on websites simultaneously to identify breaches of EU consumer law in a particular sector
Nustatyti geriausios praktikos pavyzdžius, kaip geriau apsaugoti vartotojus kaip skaitmeninės ekonomikos duomenų subjektus, ir keistis jais.