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20 years together: Facts and figures about the benefits of the enlargement for the EU

More opportunities for people and improved quality of life

Over 2.7 million
Number of young people from 10 new countries who participated in Erasmus+ programme since 2004
Average increase of recycling rates reported by Slovakia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Latvia from 2004 until 2022
average life expectancy in the 2004 accession countries, up from 75

Creating jobs, growth and prosperity

of the 10 new Member States have adopted the euro as their currency
Number of children at risk of poverty in the 10 new EU countries, down from 41% in 2004
Increase in the share of people aged 25-34 with tertiary education in the 10 new EU countries since 2004

Boosting the competitiveness of European industries and important sectors

Increase in production of paper products in Czechia
€68 billion
Value of agricultural production in 10 new countries
Number of products from the 10 new EU countries that have been added to the EU's list of products with protected designations of origin

Investing in our Union

Average decrease of the energy intensity of the industries in the 10 new EU countries in the last 20 years
Increase in length of motorways in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia

Advancing innovation and research

Standing in solidarity

Number of requests for assistance made via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism since 2004
Number of people who received support at the EU’s medical evacuation hub for Ukrainian patients, hosted in Poland

Strengthening Europe’s role in the world

The data used in the ’20 years together’ campaign are based on Eurostat statistics as well on other official information sources and subject to updates. The surveys referred to are taken from the Eurobarometer.