Foreign affairs and security policy
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Foreign affairs and security policy

The European Union is deeply involved in peace keeping, diplomacy, trade and development aid throughout the world. And through its European neighbourhood policy, it promotes cooperation with countries close to its borders.

The EU supports the UN's efforts on a new climate agreement and gives substantial funding to developing countries facing the effects of climate change.

International cooperation sets gender equality as one of the priority areas to improve living conditions of women and children around the world.

Human rights are defended by political dialogue with countries, aid, development policy and participation in multilateral forums like the United Nations.

Accessing markets outside the EU is crucial for jobs and growth within the EU. The EU works to keep markets open, and trade flowing and fair.

The EU carries out civilian and military missions worldwide under the common security and defence policy (CSDP).

Through political, logistic and economic support, the EU has played a crucial role in building peace in locations around the world.