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The EU budget is leading the EU response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine

In a nutshell

The role of the EU budget

Thanks to the EU budget, the EU support to Ukraine has been extensive and wide-ranging: By using existing flexibilities within its budget, the EU managed to allocate billions in economic, financial, humanitarian and emergency support.


More details – results achieved

The EU budget intervention helped, among others:

In 2022 and 2023 – under instruments called Macro-Financial Assistance and Macro-Financial Assistance+ (MFA and MFA+)

  • Up to €25.2 billion are being channelled to help Ukraine cover its short-term funding needs, like keeping essential public services running and restoring critical infrastructure (at the time of writing (1), €14.7 billion in Macro-Financial Assistance have been disbursed)

In 2022 – for an emergency support programme

  • the EU mobilised €330 million that helped secure access to basic goods and services, such as education, healthcare and food.

In 2023 alone – under EU programmes Horizon Europe and Erasmus+

  • Over €45 million were allocated to strengthen the resilience of Ukraine’s Research and Innovation ecosystem
  • €100 million were mobilised to promote educational activities and facilitate the integration of people fleeing the war into their new learning environments, as well as activities supporting organisations, learners and staff in Ukraine

Support for Ukrainian school children

  • The EU is supporting the rehabilitation of damaged schools in Ukraine with €100 million, including €66 million through budget support and €34 million from the humanitarian funding.

Solidarity lanes

  • €250 million of grants were dedicated to boost the Solidarity Lanes to improve movement through the border crossing points and their access routes. In the medium-term, the Commission is mobilising the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and €50 million to support the infrastructure developments needed to further increase the capacity of the Solidarity Lanes.


(1) 08 June 2023, for most up-to-date numbers, check: