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Program rada Komisije za 2018. – ključni dokumenti


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24. listopada 2017.
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23. LISTOPADA 2017.
2018 Commission work programme
14. STUDENOGA 2017.
2018 Commission work programme – Annex I: new initiatives
14. STUDENOGA 2017.
2018 Commission work programme – Annex II: REFIT initiatives
24. SVIBNJA 2018.
2018 Commission work programme – Annex III: priority pending proposals
14. STUDENOGA 2017.
2018 Commission work programme – Annex IV: withdrawals
3. TRAVNJA 2018.
2018 Commission work programme – Annex V: repeals
24. LISTOPADA 2017.
2018 Commission Work Programme – infographic (Annex I: new initiatives)
24. LISTOPADA 2017.
2018 Commission Work Programme – infographic (Annex III: priority pending proposals)
3. TRAVNJA 2018.
Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) and the 10 Priorities of the Commission. Scoreboard summary (2017)
24. LISTOPADA 2017.
Completing the Better Regulation Agenda: Better solutions for better results
24. LISTOPADA 2017.
Overview of the Union´s Efforts to Simplify and to Reduce Regulatory Burdens
24. LISTOPADA 2017.
Commission Work Programme 2018: An agenda for a more united, stronger and more democratic Europe
24. LISTOPADA 2017.
Questions and Answers: The 2018 Commission Work Programme
24. LISTOPADA 2017.
2018 Commission Work Programme – roadmaps