The Commission presented today the Common Implementation Plan for the Pact on Migration and Asylum to ensure everything is in place by June 2026 to turn the legislative acts into reality. The EU has adopted a common European system to manage migration and asylum which entered into force on 11 June 2024. The Commission is now leading the collective work to implement the agreed rules. EU countries will have to design their national implementation plans by the end of 2024 where they will present concrete steps and explain how they will transform legislation into action.The Common Implementation Plan consists of 10 building blocks:A common migration and asylum information system (Eurodac): to support and enable EU countries to put in use the new solidarity and responsibility rules.A new system to manage migration at the EU external borders: to manage the irregular arrival of non-EU nationals and set up fast and efficient procedures for asylum and return, as well as strong safeguards.Adequate reception standards of living: for applicants according to their needs. For example, earlier access to the labour market, physical and mental healthcare for those who have been granted international protection and more protection for families, children, and vulnerable applicants.Fair, efficient and convergent asylum procedures: streamlined assessment and decision-making process of individual asylum applications across Europe and reinforced safeguards, rights and guarantees for applicants and those who have been granted international protection.Efficient and fair return procedures: the EU's migration policy can only be sustainable if those who do not have the right to stay in the EU are effectively returned.A fair and efficient system: establishing effective and stable responsibility-sharing across the Union and reducing incentives for secondary movements.Making solidarity work: for the first time, the EU has a permanent, legally-binding, but flexible solidarity mechanism to ensure that no EU country is left alone when under pressure.Preparedness, contingency planning, and crisis response: building more resilience to the evolution of migratory situations and reducing the risks of situations of crisis.New safeguards for asylum applicants and vulnerable persons: increased monitoring of fundamental rights, ensuring effective procedures and protecting human dignity.Resettlement, inclusion, and integration: stepping up efforts for the integration and inclusion of migrants.The Pact on Migration and Asylum is a common European response to migration. It allows the EU to manage migration in a fair and sustainable way, ensuring solidarity between EU countries while also providing certainty and clarity for people arriving in the EU and protecting their fundamental rights. Proposed by the Commission in September 2020, the Pact was adopted by the European Parliament in April 2024, and by the Council in May 2024. The legal instruments of the Pact entered into force on 11 June 2024 and will enter into application in June 2026.Find out moreManaging migration responsiblyPact on Migration and AsylumCommon Implementation PlanQuestions and answers on the Pact on Migration and AsylumPress releaseMigration and AsylumPact on Migration and Asylum - factsheetUnderstanding the European Pact on Migration and Asylum - video Details Publication date12 June 2024AuthorDirectorate-General for Communication