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Esiletoodud uudised


Esiletoodud uudised (139)

Tulemused 1 kuni 10
People taking part in the European Citizens' Panel
  • News article

Read about the ways EU citizens can get involved with and influence policy making in the EU, from helping initiate new proposals to debating existing policies

  • 1 min lugemist
The use of Wi-Fi and roaming in train and metro stations, and in public spaces
  • Artikkel

Tänu hiljuti käivitatud ELi algatustele muutub rongiga reisimine Euroopas mugavamaks ja kestlikumaks. Hiljuti jõustusid üleeuroopalist transpordivõrku (TEN-T) käsitlevad uued määrused, et parandada raudteeühendust ja muuta reisimine keskkonnahoidlikumaks.

  • 1 min lugemist
A person holding the European Health Insurance Card
  • News article

The EHIC allows you to receive necessary and urgent medical care abroad, including for chronic or existing illnesses, as well as pregnancy and childbirth. EHIC is valid in any EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

  • 1 min lugemist
Visit of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, to Egypt
  • News article

President von der Leyen participated in the EU-Egypt Investment Conference in Cairo together with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on 29 June. The conference brought together over 1,000 business and government representatives to discuss business opportunities between the EU and Egypt.

  • 1 min lugemist