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Izpostavljene novice (132)

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Visit of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, to Egypt
  • News article

President von der Leyen participated in the EU-Egypt Investment Conference in Cairo together with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on 29 June. The conference brought together over 1,000 business and government representatives to discuss business opportunities between the EU and Egypt.

  • Predviden čas branja: 1 min
The statuette of Themis, goddess of divine justice
  • Sporočilo za javnost

EU je sprejela 14. sveženj sankcij proti Rusiji. Novi sveženj ustreza potrebam in ugotovitvam na terenu ter obravnava težave pri izvrševanju.

  • Predviden čas branja: 1 min