Cuprinsul paginiiCuprinsul paginii Strategies and policies As sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions in the cities are key determining factors for the quality of life in cities, the partnership on Sustainable Land Use worked on proposals for better regulation, funding and knowledge in this area. The EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 is a comprehensive, ambitious and long-term plan to protect nature and reverse the degradation of ecosystems, that aims to put Europe's biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030. A key part of the strategy is to promote healthy and vibrant urban ecosystems. This strategy aims to stop the loss of green urban space including tree canopy cover, and then steadily increase them. It also calls upon all cities and towns over 20,000 in habitants to develop ambitious urban greening plans – to ensure that green infrastructure and nature-based solutions are systematically integrated into urban planning process. EU biodiversity strategy to 2030 Green infrastructure The EU Research and Innovation policy agenda on Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities aims to position the EU as leader in ‘Innovating with nature’ for more sustainable and resilient societies. Nature-based solutions Other links 2030 agenda for sustainable development Action plan for resilience in crisis prone countries2013-2020 Action plan for the future of organic production in the EU Green public procurement Guidelines on best practice to limit, mitigate or compensate soil sealing Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities (2007) Toledo informal ministerial meeting on urban development - Declaration (2010) Thematic strategy on the sustainable use of natural resources Annex to the communication: Thematic strategy on the sustainable use of natural resources - Impact assessment Urban data and studies Copernicus: The European Earth observation programme European Business and Biodiversity (B@B) Platform European Environment Agency (EEA) Biodiversity Information System for Europe Land-Use-based Integrated Sustainability Assessment modelling platform (LUISA) Open data portal for ESI Study supporting potential land targets under the 2014 land communication Urban atlas Funding opportunities and advice Programmes and funding opportunities European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF) InvestEU Portal Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) URBACT Horizon 2020 LIFE Advice and technical assistance European Investment Advisory Hub (from end of 2021: InvestEU Advisory Hub)) Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions (JASPERS) References Beginner's Guide to EU Funding Accessing regional-policy funds Networking Awards European Green Capital Award (EGCA) European Green Leaf (EGL) Project examples LIFE project database REGIO project database LIFE+ GreenClimeAdapt - Green tools for urban climate adaptation (pdf) GreenCLimeAdapt aimed to demonstrate how cities can address and adapt to the impacts of climate change (including increased rainfall and urban heat island) via green tools including open storm water management, the use of green facades and green roofs. Other projects Urban Innovative actions: projects related to sustainable use of land and nature based solutions EU legislation Decision 1386/2013/EU on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 ‘Living well, within the limits of our planet’