Find funding partners in education
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Find funding partners in education

Find partners for EU funding opportunities in education.


Most EU funding involves collaboration between organisations from different countries. There are various partner search services that can help you find organisations wanting to participate in proposals, or publish your own offers of collaboration.

Where to find partners in education

Erasmus+ national agencies

National agencies for Erasmus+ are based in countries participating in the programme, and can help you find partners for projects. 

Learn more about how national agencies can help you find a partner

Erasmus+ project results database

Erasmus+ offers a database of project results with details of past Eramus projects, and contact details for participating organisations.

Partners for youth projects

Otlas is a platform for international partnerships where you can find organisations and informal groups working in youth projects.

Partners for projects in European schools

eTwinning is an online community for school teachers and staff where you can find potential partners for online and offline projects.

The School Education Gateway is an online collaborative platform for school educational staff where you can find partner search platforms for

Partners for adult learning projects

You can also exchange ideas and find networking opportunities with individuals or organisations involved in adult learning through the EPALE partner search

Partners in vocational training

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is a network working to improve apprenticeships in Europe, and where you can find possible partners for projects in vocational training.

The European Vocational Skills Week supports networking and cooperation between learners, parents, companies, education and training providers, adult learning organisations, chambers and other professional organisations, researchers, career counsellors, and public authorities.