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Jacques Delors, with the EU flag behind
Jacques Delors (1925-2023)

Jacques Delors forged his vision of a united Europe. He was an ardent advocate of post-war European integration and architect of the European Union we know today. He served as President of the European Commission for three terms, from January 1985 until the end of 1994 – a period marked by a deep commitment to freedom, social justice and solidarity – values now rooted in our Union.

Jacques Delors died on 27 December 2023 at the age of 98.

"Allons, courage, le Printemps de l’Europe est toujours devant nous!" 

Jacques Delors

The Commission’s tribute to Jacques Delors

Jacques Delors was a visionary who made Europe stronger. His work had a profound impact on the lives of generations of Europeans, including my own. We are deeply grateful to him.

European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen
Jacques Delors at the 28 May 1986, ceremony inaugurating the adoption of the European flag
Jacques Delors

Giving Europe a soul

Jacques Delors' main accomplishments

As President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors managed to advance the European Union project thanks to his vision and dedication.

Here are just a few of the biggest accomplishments part of his legacy.

  • The EU single market

    The world's biggest single market, ensuring free movement of goods, services, capital and persons 

  • The Maastricht Treaty

    European citizenship, common foreign and security policy, co-decision legislative procedure, foundation of the euro and birth to "European Union"

  • The Economic and Monetary Union

    Coordination of economic and fiscal policies, a common monetary policy, and a common currency, the euro

  • The Erasmus programme

    Yearly, more than 650,000 students, apprentices, pupils, volunteers and teachers engage in study, training, teaching and volunteering

National Tribute Ceremony for Jacques Delors

President von der Leyen attended the tribute ceremony for Jacques Delors in Paris, on 5 January 2024.