A genuine and effective Security Union must be a common endeavour. The EU can help bring together law enforcement, judicial authorities, governments, citizens and the private sector in a common effort. Page contentsPage contents Efficient and timely cooperation and information exchange among law enforcement and judicial authorities is crucial in the fight against crime and terrorism. Strong external borders are also essential to protect our Union against those who wish us harm. We also need to invest in security research and innovation that can create new tools to help law enforcement and other security actors. EU funding can act as a major stimulus. Private partners and industry also have a role to play. Last but not least, awareness of security issues and acquiring the skills to deal with potential threats are essential to build a more resilient society with better prepared enterprises, administrations and individuals. Police cooperation and information exchange Police cooperationOperational Police cooperationInformation exchange The contribution of strong external borders Schengen space Border crossing Passenger Name Record Strengthening security research and innovation Security research Horizon 2020-Secure societies Artificial intelligence Skills and awareness raising For law enforcement Cepol For the general public European skills agenda Digital skills European Education Area European Research area Protecting victims’ rights