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Investment Plan: The Netherlands

Latest results from the Investment Plan

Woman checking her mobile phone

How The Netherlands ranks within EU countries

Total investment

March 2022

  • Total financing under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in Netherlands amounts to €4.3 billion and is set to trigger €17.4 billion in additional investments

Infrastructure and innovation projects

  • 40 approved projects financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) with EFSI backing
  • approximately €3.1 billion in total financing
  • set to trigger €13 billion in total investment

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

  • 22 approved agreements with intermediary banks or funds financed by European Investment Fund (EIF) with EFSI backing
  • €1.2 billion in total financing
  • set to trigger approximately €4.4 million in investments with some 18 500 SMEs and mid-cap companies expected to benefit from improved access to finance

Examples of projects supported by the Investment Plan in the Netherlands 

Modernising healthcare: ISALA HOSPITAL

A €150 million loan is supporting Isala hospital’s expansion and modernisation plans. The financing will be used for the modernisation of the existing facilities, as well as for the construction of the new Meppel hospital. The modernisation will see an improvement of the safety conditions for employees as well as a more efficient layout of the facilities. Thanks to the use of modern materials the new building in Meppel will be highly energy efficient. As well as improvements to the buildings and equipment, the financing also covers an upgrade of the management information system, as well as the introduction of a new electronic patient records system.

Internet of Things security: INTRINSIC ID

Intrinsic ID is a security technology company which develops products for the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. An €11 million loan is enabling Intrinsic ID to scale up operations as it expands its development efforts on its technology for connected devices. Intrinsic ID’s products are based on the company’s patented physical unclonable function technology, which enables the creation of a digital fingerprint that serves as a unique identity for microprocessors and other semiconductor devices within IoT products. To date, Intrinsic ID’s technology protects more than 125 million IoT devices with some of the world’s leading semiconductor companies.

Flooding prevention: AFSLUITDIJK DAM

The EIB is providing €330 million to support the rehabilitation and modernisation of the Afsluitdijk dam, running between the provinces of Noord-Holland and Friesland. Starting in 2018, the top layer of the Afsluitdijk will be reinforced and an extra water barrier in front of current locks at both ends of the dam, at Kornwerderzand and Den Oever, will be installed to combat high water from the sea. The current scouring sluices will be rehabilitated, and special works will be carried out to create “fish passages” that will allow the re-establishment of fish migration between the sea and the interior lake. The work is expected to be completed by 2022. 

Micro-financing: QREDITS

The EIB Group (EIB and EIF) is supporting the Dutch micro-finance institution Qredits in giving small businesses access to finance. The EIB has agreed a €100 million loan with Qredits, while the EIF will cover part of Qredits’ risk of new loans worth €25 million. Both deals are guaranteed by the Juncker Plan.


Limburgs Energie Fonds was set up by the Province of Limburg to support sustainable investments in circular economy and climate-related projects. The fund will foster sustainable development in a region that was formerly dependent on steel and coal. The EIB has provided €30 million under the Juncker Plan.


Full list of EFSI-backed projects approved by the EIB

Full list of EFSI-backed agreements with financial intermediaries signed by the EIF