Access to justiceInformation on access to judicial systems, collective redress, mediation and legal aid.Civil and commercial lawAssignment of claimsCivil and commercial mattersContractual and non-contractual obligationsInsolvency proceedingsTäiskasvanute kaitseFamily lawChildren's wellbeingDivorce and separationOverview of family mattersProperty of international couples (marriages and registered partnerships)Public documentsPärimine ja testamendidRecognition of parenthood between Member StatesInternational Cooperation on Civil JusticeThe consistent and ever-expanding EU internal legislation in civil matters has its international counterpart in the treaty-based legal order
Access to justiceInformation on access to judicial systems, collective redress, mediation and legal aid.
Civil and commercial lawAssignment of claimsCivil and commercial mattersContractual and non-contractual obligationsInsolvency proceedingsTäiskasvanute kaitse
Family lawChildren's wellbeingDivorce and separationOverview of family mattersProperty of international couples (marriages and registered partnerships)Public documentsPärimine ja testamendidRecognition of parenthood between Member States
International Cooperation on Civil JusticeThe consistent and ever-expanding EU internal legislation in civil matters has its international counterpart in the treaty-based legal order