An EU Wind Power Action Plan to keep wind power a European success story - European Commission Skip to main content
  • News article
  • 24 October 2023
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

An EU Wind Power Action Plan to keep wind power a European success story

Offshore windmills with man in foreground


The European Commission has presented actions to boost the European wind power industry. To achieve the EU target that requires 42.5% of EU energy to be renewable by 2030, we will need a massive increase in wind installed capacity. This action plan will ensure that wind power continues to be a European success story. Together, the Commission, the Member States and industry will act in six main areas:

  1. Faster deployment 
  2. Improved auction design which ensures that projects are realised fully and on time
  3. Access to finance
  4. A fair and competitive international environment
  5. Develop skilled workforce
  6. Close work with industry and Member States

The Commission has also reported on the state of the Energy Union, notably how the EU responded effectively to Russia’s weaponisation of its energy supplies, by accelerating the clean energy transition, diversifying supplies, and saving energy. The report underlines that EU needs to continue to ensure affordable, reliable, and accessible energy for households and to enhance the industrial and economic competitiveness of its industry, by supporting investments in clean technologies.

For more information

The European Green Deal

EU wind energy

Factsheet on wind power

Factsheet on the state of the Energy Union report

Video on the wind power proposals

Press release: Commission sets out immediate actions to support the European wind power industry

Press release: State of the Energy Union 2023: EU responds effectively to crisis, looks to the future, and accelerates the green transition


Publication date
24 October 2023
Directorate-General for Communication