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Find all funding opportunities for education and training

How funding is given and where to find opportunities.

Funding programmes

The European Commission provides funding to projects and organisations in the form of a call for proposals. Funding is provided for a broad range of projects and programmes covering a wide range of areas including education.

Funding is carried out through decentralised and centralised actions

  • decentralised actions are managed at national level by national agencies located in EU countries
  • centralised actions are managed at a European level by the European Commission

National agencies are separate from the EU institutions. They are legal entities set up to perform specific technical and scientific tasks that help the European Commission carry out policies.

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Funding opportunities in education

Funding opportunities exist in education and training in the form of the Erasmus+ programme, which is a funding scheme to support activities in education, training, youth and sport. The European Commission is responsible for Erasmus+ policies and oversees the overall programme implementation.

Find funding opportunities in education

More about Erasmus+

Centralised actions are managed at European level by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

A list of centralised actions can be found on the European Commission's Funding Tender Opportunities Portal (F&TP)

Decentralised actions can be found by checking national agency websites.

Employment, skills and training

Calls for proposals relating to skills and training are also offered through the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

Search for funding opportunities in employment, social affairs and inclusion.


The Marie Skłodowska Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for researchers at all stages of their careers - be they doctoral candidates or highly experienced researchers.