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Working around the EU

Most Commission staff work in Brussels and Luxembourg, but there are opportunities to work in other locations.

Brusselsand Luxembourg are headquarters for many EU institutions and international organisations, and they offer a good quality of life in an international and multilingual environment. Over the years, Brussels has become a major political centre. It is an attractive place for young graduates as it offers many opportunities to make friends and find jobs.

Luxembourg is a financial, legal and digital hub and a beautiful city. It is becoming increasingly attractive for skilled professionals due to the expanding job market and continuous economic growth.

Working around the world

More than 3 000 staff work elsewhere in the EU, at the Commission's local offices located in each EU country (‘representations’) and the Joint Research Centres in Belgium, Italy, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands.

There are more than 140 EU Diplomatic Representations managed by the European External Action Service, one of the largest diplomatic services in the world. Commission staff have the opportunity to apply to work in them, managing EU cooperation programmes or developing trade, for example.