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Contacts and information by EU country

This information is also available in: Ukrainian | українська | Russian | русский

Contact the EU

To get in touch with the EU, you can call or write to Europe Direct.

Contact the EU in Ukrainian

Contact the EU in Russian

Contacts in EU countries

Contact details of national authorities, as well as organisations active in helping those fleeing Ukraine, can be found in the list below the map.  

National contact details and information

In this map by clicking on the country you will find useful information about national authorities in EU countries who you can contact about temporary protection, as well as information on healthcare or employment support.

In the list of EU countries below the map, you will also find contacts of organisations active in helping those fleeing Ukraine.

  • Austria

    National contact details

    Austrian Interior Ministry (DE)
    Federal Agency for Reception and Support Services (DE / EN)
    Ministry of the Interior FAQ for people fleeing Ukraine (UK)
    Public Employment Service: how to get a work permit (DE / UK / EN)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    List of organisations (DE)
    Facebook page of Society of Ukrainian Youth in Austria (DE)
    Caritas Austria (DE)
    Psychological support hotline (UK)
    From Austria
    In German/English 01/343 0101 1
    In Russian 01/343 0101 4
    In Ukrainian 01/343 0101 7
    From abroad +43 6699665109
    Austrian Integration Fund: information about integration offers –especially German language courses (DE / UK)
    SOS Mitmensch (DE)

  • Belgium

    National contact details

    Federal Government’s Information website (FR / NL / DE / EN / UK) +32 24888888
    Information by the Immigration office on temporary protection application for Ukrainians in Belgium (FR / NL / EN)
    Information by the Wallonie government (FR / UK), phone 1718
    Information by the Flemish government (NL), phone +32 2 225 44 21
    Information by the government of Brussels (EN)
    Federal Ombudsman (FR / NL / EN / UK)
    Hotlines of the Embassy of Ukraine in Belgium
    Reserve Line +32 23792115
    General questions +32 23792160
    Housing questions +32 23792112

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Red Cross – Flemish community (NL / FR / EN) +32 15443407
    Red Cross – French community (FR) +32 81771648
    Agence Fédérale pour l’Accueil des Demandeurs d’Asile +32 22134411 (FR / NL / EN)
    Serve the City Brussels (FR / ;NL / EN) +32 27343502
    List of initiatives in Belgium – Belgians for Ukraine (EN)
    Facebook page - Solidarity with Ukraine (EN)
    Solentra (Psycholgical Support) (EN / FR / NL) +32 484650130
    PAG-ASA for victims of exploitation (EN / FR / NL)+32 25116464

  • Bulgaria

    National contact details

    Government’s unified information portal on measures and actions related to the crisis in Ukraine (BG / UK / EN)
    Information from the State Agency for Refugees (EN / UK)
    Registration points – Map with information (BG / UK / EN)
    Hotline numbers +38 029055555+38 0322465075
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs crisis hotline +35 929482404, email crisisatmfa [dot] bg (crisis[at]mfa[dot]bg)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Association of Ukrainian Organisations “Mati Ukraina” Facebook group (BG / UK)
    Refugee Light (EN / UK / BG)
    Foundation for access to rights (EN / BG)

  • Croatia

    National contact details

    Ministry of Interior Homepage (HR / EN) email: privremena [dot] zastitaatmup [dot] hr (privremena[dot]zastita[at]mup[dot]hr)
    Ministry of Interior webpage for Ukrainian refugees (HR / UK)
    Information on the activation of the temporary protection directive (HR)
    Unique toll-free number 114
    Embassy of Ukraine in Zagreb (HR / UK) +385 14616296, e-mail emb_hratmfa [dot] gov [dot] ua (emb_hr[at]mfa[dot]gov[dot]ua)
    Consulate of Ukraine in Omišalj, +385 51842037, e-mail pk [dot] ukrajineatnet [dot] hr (pk[dot]ukrajine[at]net[dot]hr)
    Consulate of Ukraine in Split, +385 996862797, e-mail ivicapiricatyahoo [dot] com (ivicapiric[at]yahoo[dot]com)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Croatian Red Cross (HR / EN)
    Hotlines and useful contact numbers (UK / HR)
    UNHCR email hrvzaatunhcr [dot] org (hrvza[at]unhcr[dot]org)
    IOM email iomzagrebatiom [dot] int (iomzagreb[at]iom[dot]int)
    Ukrainian Community of the Republic of Croatia, Kardinala Alojzije Stepinca 45, Vukovar
    +385 32493224 (Tel/fax), +385 953781199 (mobile), e-mail ukrajinskazajednica [dot] hratgmail [dot] com (ukrajinskazajednica[dot]hr[at]gmail[dot]com)
    Victim and Witness Support Service, Ministry of Justice and Administration (in HR and EN)
    +385 13714756 (weekdays from 08:00 am to 04:00 pm), e-mail zrtve [dot] i [dot] svjedociatmpu [dot] hr (zrtve[dot]i[dot]svjedoci[at]mpu[dot]hr)

  • Cyprus

    National contact details

    Ministry of Interior Homepage (GR)
    Information on the activation of the temporary protection directive (EN / GR)
    Asylum Service website (EN / GR)
    Civil Registry and Migration Department (EN / GR)
    Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy Hotline (Monday-Friday 8h00-20h00) 1477, +35 722285777

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Facebook group for Ukrainians seeking advice - Cyprus Refugee Council  (EN)
    UNHCR Cyprus (EN)
    Cyprus For Ukraine (EN / UK / GR)

  • Czechia

    National contact details

    Information for Ukrainian citizens in the Czech Republic in connection with the Russian aggression in Ukraine (UK / CS )
    Refugee Facilities Administration of the Ministry of the Interior (CS / EN / UK)
    Ministry of Interior helpline +42 0974801802
    Our Ukrainians – Official support website (CS / EN / UK / RU)
    Embassy of Ukraine in Prague – Facebook page (UK)

    Key organisations helping on the ground
    Support Facebook Group (CS / UK)
    Refugees Welcome (CS)
    Association for Integration and Migration (EN)
    Organisation to Support Refugees (EN)
    CARE ČR (CS)
    Czech Red Cross (CS)
    Člověk v tísni (People in Need) (CS)
    Diakonie ČCE (CS)
    Caritas Czechia (CS)
    Lékaři bez hranic (Doctors without borders) (CS)

  • Denmark

    National contact details

    Danish Immigration Service – (EN / UK)     
    Information for labour integration of Ukrainians (UK)              

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Danish Red Cross (DA / EN)
    Children Denmark (Red Barnet) (DA)
    UNICEF Denmark (DA)
    UNHCR in Denmark (DA)
    Amnesty Denmark (DA) +45 33456565
    Facebook page Українці в Копенгагені / Ukrainians in Copenhagen / Ukrainerne i København (EN)

  • Estonia

    National contact details

    Government Official Website for people fleeing the war (EE / EN / UK / RU
    +372 600 1247, kriisat1247 [dot] ee (kriis[at]1247[dot]ee)
    Ministry of Interior Homepage (EN)
    Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (EN)
    Police and Border Guard Board Homepage (EE / EN / UK / RU)
    Social Insurance Fund Hotline 1247
    Government webpage with information for Ukrainian citizens (EE / EN / RU)
    Youth Portal (EE / RU)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    List of NGOs (EE / EN / RU)
    Estonian Refugee Council (EE / EN / UK / RU) Hotline (every day 9h00-19h00)  +37 256782288
    Estonian Red Cross (EE)
    Ukrainian Cultural Center (EE / EN / UK)
    Mondo MTÜ (EE / EN)

  • Finland

    National contact details

    Finnish Immigration Service: Ukraine dedicated website (EN / UK)
    Phone 0295 790 605 (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to noon, and 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm)
    Printable instructions for people fleeing Ukraine (EN / SV / FI / UK)
    Finnish Immigration Service:  Asylum in Finland (EN / SV / FI / UK)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Finnish Red Cross (FI / SV / EN)
    Finn Church Aid (FI / SV / EN)
    Finnish Committee of UNICEF (FI / SV / EN)
    Save the Children Finland (FI / SV / EN)
    FIDA (FI / EN)

  • France

    National contact details

    Government official information site (FR / UK)
    Ukraine Embassy in France (FRUK+33 187666612 (press 2 for Ukrainian)
    Ministry of Interior’s information for Ukrainian citizens (FR / UK) Q&A (FR)
    Paris Municipality (EN)
    App réfugié (download)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Secours populaire (FR) +33 144782100
    Secours catholique (FR) +33 145497300
    Croix rouge (FR) +33 144431100
    Soliguide (FR / UK)
    Watizat (FR / EN)
    Ukraine-France Association (FR / UK)

  • Germany

    National contact details

    Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community: Germany4Ukraine (DE / UK / EN / RU
    Helpline Ukraine - 0800 500 225 0 (Monday to Friday, 2 pm. to 5 pm)
    Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community: Government’s FAQs about entering and residing (DE / UK / EN / RU)
    Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (DE / UK / EN / RU)
    Berlin: Information to Extend residence permit (EN / UK / RU)
    Germany4Ukraine-App (download)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Alliance of German aid organisations collecting donations for Ukraine (DE / EN)
    UNHCR (DE)
    German Red Cross (DE)
    Aid organisation focusing on medical care (DE)
    Caritas Germany (DE)
    Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DE)
    Pro Asyl (DE / EN)
    Legal consultants (DE)
    Krisenchat +49 1573 5993126 (psychosocial counselling via Whatsapp in DE, UK, RU)
    JugendNotmail, online counselling for children and young people (DE)
    mbeon – Migrationsberatung (DE / EN / RU)

  • Greece

    National contact details

    Government’s webpage with information for Displaced Persons (GR / UK / EN)
    E-mail ukraineatmigration [dot] gov [dot] gr (ukraine[at]migration[dot]gov[dot]gr)
    Provision of Temporary Protection +30 2131629600, e-mail tp-supportatmigration [dot] gov [dot] gr (tp-support[at]migration[dot]gov[dot]gr)
    National Emergency Response Mechanism for Unaccompanied Minors
    Phones +30 2132128888 or +30 6942773030 (via WhatsApp or Viber)
    Monday – Friday from 8 am to 10 pm: Saturday from 11 am to 7 pm
    E-mail: ssuam [dot] tracingatmigration [dot] gov [dot] gr (ssuam[dot]tracing[at]migration[dot]gov[dot]gr)
    Embassy of Ukraine in Greece (EN) Hotline +30 693276606

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    UNHCR (GR / EN / FR)
    Association of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Greece, “Ukrainian - Hellenic Thought” +30 695 739 1156, e-mails huthatukrgrdumka [dot] gr (huth[at]ukrgrdumka[dot]gr), galinamkatgmail [dot] com (galinamk[at]gmail[dot]com)
    Ukrainian Cultural-Educational Center “Beregynia” +30 69340 42 347, e-mail koziy [dot] oksana222atgmail [dot] com (koziy[dot]oksana222[at]gmail[dot]com)
    Support and Development Center of the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage "Trembita"  +30 213 0294 772, +30 694 159 2236, +30 697 25 7 3004, e-mails infoattrembita [dot] gr (info[at]trembita[dot]gr), alla [dot] lobach [dot] plessaatgmail [dot] com (alla[dot]lobach[dot]plessa[at]gmail[dot]com)
    Public Association "Ukrainians in Greece" (UK) +30 693 81 86 719, fax: +30 210 83 100 63, e-mail ukraintsigratyahoo [dot] gr (ukraintsigr[at]yahoo[dot]gr)
    List of organisations (EN)

  • Hungary

    National contact details

    Directorate General for Aliens Policing Information for people fleeing Ukraine (EN / UK)
    Government hotlines
    From Hungary 06 80310310
    From Ukraine 0800 504546
    From other countries +36 15501828, email menekultinfoatme [dot] gov [dot] hu (menekultinfo[at]me[dot]gov[dot]hu)
    Embassy of Ukraine Facebook page (UK)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Facebook group for accommodation (HU)
    Hungarian Red Cross (HU / EN)
    The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (HU)
    Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HU / EN)
    Caritas Hungary (HU)
    Migration Aid Facebook Page (HU)
    Hungarian Helsinki Committee Information Page (EN)
    Hungarian Association for Migrants (EN / HU)

  • Ireland

    National contact details

    Irish Department for Justice Information about visa requirements (EN)
    FAQs – for Ukraine Nationals and Residents of Ukraine (EN / UK / RU)
    Government dedicated webpage with information about the Temporary Protection Directive (EN / UK / RU)
    Citizens Information for International Protection (EN)
    Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (EN) – with publications in EN, UK, and RU
    A Parent's Guide to Childcare (UK / RU)

    Key organisations helping on the ground:

    Irish Refugee Council (EN)
    Association of Ukrainians in Ireland (EN / UK)
    Ukrainian action in Ireland (EN)
    Volunteer Ireland (EN)

  • Italy

    National contact details

    Ministry of Interior: information for the entrance of Ukrainians (IT
    Guide for Asylum Seekers (EN
    Dispatching of humanitarian supplies for the Ukrainian population (IT / EN
    National Civil Protection Department (IT / EN) - Cards with key information (IT / EN / UK / RU)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    UNHCR (EN)
    Italian Council for Refugees (IT)
    Comunità di Sant’Egidio (EN / IT / RU)
    Italian Red Cross (IT)
    Caritas Ambrosiana (IT)
    NGO Intersos Facebook Page (IT)

  • Latvia

    National contact details

    Information for Ukrainians coming to Latvia (LV / UK / EN / RU) – not an official website, but redirected from the Government’s website
    Ministry of the Interior of Latvia (LV
    National Health Service (LV / EN / UK
    +371 80001234 (Monday to Thursday 8:30 am to 5 pm; Friday 8:30 am to 03 pm, in EN and RU). From foreign phone numbers +371 67045005
    City Council of Riga Hotline (24/7) +371 80000800
    Ministry of Welfare (LV)
    Information on one-time Financial Assistance for Citizens of Ukraine (LV / RU)

    Key organisations helping on the ground
    Free information phone about social support of Ukraine civilians +371 80700011
    Unified information helpline for Ukrainians in Latvia (24/7) +371 27380380
    Hotline in Riga (24/7) +371 80000800
    World of Ukraine (lttrp_ukratvfshelpline [dot] com (EN) / RU)

  • Lithuania

    National contact details

    Information about support for Ukraine (EN / LT / UK)
    E-mail:lttrp_ukratvfshelpline [dot] com (lttrp_ukr[at]vfshelpline[dot]com)
    Information on application for Temporary Protection (UK
    Useful and important information for Lithuanian and Ukrainian citizen (EN / LT / UK
    Migration Department (UK / LT / EN / RU
    Eurodesk Lithuania (LT / UK / EN
    Migration hotline +370 52717112 (Monday to Thursday from 07:30 am to 04:30 pm: Friday from 07:30 am to 3:15 pm)
    Humanitarian aid hotline +370 684 98 688 (24 hours a day) 
    Accommodation hotline +370 677 22 222 (24 hours a day) 
    Emergency number 112 (24 hours a day), 
    Information about work in Lithuania (LT / UK / RU) 1883, +370 661 10 885 
    Information about health services (LT / EN) +370 5 232 2222  
    Helpline for victims of trafficking in human beings 8 800 91119 (from non-Lithuanian number +370 61691119)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Social initiative Stiprus Kartu (UK / EN / LT)
    Lithuanian Red Cross (LT)
    Lithuanian Caritas (EN / LT / UK)
    National Volunteer Support Coordination Center (LT / EN / UK)
    Maltieciai (EN / LT)
    Work in Lithuania (EN)
    Vaccination against COVID-19 (LT) from non-Lithuanian number +370 66 01 1808)
    Emotional support in Russian 1809, or +370 664 65 792

  • Luxembourg

    National contact details

    Government’s information on reception of Ukrainian refugees (FR / EN with forms in FR / EN UK / RU)
    Information on access to education (FR) and contact details(FR)
    For consular questions from people leaving or in transit from Ukraine +35 224782386
    Reception centre in Luxembourg for people from Ukraine: Rue Tony Rollman, L-2454
    Information on work in Luxembourg (EN)
    National Employment Agency +352 24788888, e-mail infoatadem [dot] etat [dot] lu (info[at]adem[dot]etat[dot]lu)
    Helpline Santé +352 24765533

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    LUkraine, Ukrainian community in Luxemburg (UK / EN)
    Red Cross - wellkommatcroix-rouge [dot] lu (wellkomm[at]croix-rouge[dot]lu) (in FR / EN / DE / UK / RU)
    Médecins du monde: for medical help +35 28892371
    Caritas Luxemburg (FR / EN)
    National Receptions Office (DE / FR / EN / LB)
    Initiativ Liewensufank (DE / FR), +352 360597, e-mail equibutzatliewensufank [dot] lu (equibutz[at]liewensufank[dot]lu)
    CIGR Syrdall (FR+352 26350481

  • Malta

    National contact details

    Ministry of Home Affairs Information for Ukrainians refugees (EN)
    Government of Malta - Information for Ukrainians refugees (EN)
    Freephone ​153​​​, e-mail servizzatgov [dot] mt (servizz[at]gov[dot]mt)​​​​​​
    Calling from abroad: +356 21255153
    International Protection Agency (EN), +356 21255257, e-mail infoatipa [dot] gov [dot] mt (info[at]ipa[dot]gov[dot]mt)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Maltese Red Cross (EN)
    Malta Refugee Council (EN)

  • Netherlands

    National contact details

    Information on webpage from the Ministry of Justice and Security (NL / EN)
    Information on Temporary Protection Directive (NL / EN)
    Inmigration Service (NL / EN)
    Ukraine: appointment to collect proof of residency (EN)
    Emergency reception centres:
    Maastricht, Sporthal Glanerbrook (EN)
    Accommodation facilities (EN

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Dutch Red Cross (EN / UK / RU) WhatsApp Helpline +31 648158053
    Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (NL / EN) 088 715 70 00 infoatcoa [dot] nl (e-mail)
    Vacancy Ukrainian Language Support Officer (NL), e-mail resourcesatglobaltalk [dot] nl (resources[at]globaltalk[dot]nl)
    Church in Action (NL, EN) 030-8801456, e-mail infoatkerkinactie [dot] nl (info[at]kerkinactie[dot]nl)
    The Salvation Army (NL)                                                            Hotline Help for Animals from Ukraine 088-8113333 (weekdays from 09 am to 17 pm), e-mail info@hulpvoordierenuitoekraï 
    Vluchtelingenwerk (Refugee Council) (NL / UK)
    Refugee Help (EN / NL / UK / RU+31 203007000 (Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm) 
    Overview of organisations helping on the ground (NL)

  • Poland

    National contact details

    Government’s information for Ukrainian citizens (PL / UK)
    FAQ (PL / EN / RU)
    Government platform for support (PL / UK / EN)
    Helpline of the Office for Foreigners +48 477217575
    Helpline for those in danger of human trafficking +48 226280120
    Helpline for the Ukrainians seeking medical help (24/7) +48 807190590
    Border Guard - for rules of crossing the border (PL) +48 825685119
    Helpline for Polish citizens and holders of the Pole's Card +48 225238880

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Polskie Centrum Pomocy Międzynarodowej (Polish Center for International Aid) (EN / PL)
    Polska Akcja Humanitarna (Polish Humanitarian Action) (EN)
    Caritas Polska (PL)
    Polish Red Cross (PL)
    Fundacja Ocalenie (EN / PL)
    Polska Misja Medyczna (Polish Medical Mission)  (EN)
    Useful information about support in Krakow (EN)
    SOS Ukraine (PL)
    Refugees Welcome Polska (PL / EN / RU)
    Foundation for Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation (EN / PL / UK / RU)
    City of Krakow Action for Lviv +48 126161879 (Krakow City Office, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.), e-mail: pomocdlalwowaatum [dot] krakow [dot] pl (pomocdlalwowa[at]um[dot]krakow[dot]pl) 
    Collections of the City of Warsaw e-mail darczyncyatum [dot] warszawa [dot] pl (darczyncy[at]um[dot]warszawa[dot]pl) 
    Lena Grochowska Foundation (PL) +48 535579491

  • Portugal

    National contact details:

    Dedicated government website (PT / EN
    Migrant helpline with Telephone Translation Service to UK: +351 218106191 (mobile and foreign network), 808257257 (fixed-line network in Portugal) Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 8 pm; Saturday, from 9 am to 5 pm E-mail sosucraniaatacm [dot] gov [dot] pt (sosucrania[at]acm[dot]gov[dot]pt) 
    Ukraine: Information and support available in Portugal (PT / EN) For issues related to documents and registrations, contact the Registration Line: dial 2 when you call 211 950 500 (Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm).
    Information on International Protection (EN)
    Online Platform to request registration under Temporary Protection (EN)
    List of public services on migration by region (EN
    Asylum Information Database (EN
    National Line against Trafficking in Human Beings (PT) +351 964244281 email dcinv [dot] unidadeantitraficoatsef [dot] pt (dcinv[dot]unidadeantitrafico[at]sef[dot]pt)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Ordem de Malta Portugal (PT)
    Amnistia Internacional Portugal (PT)
    Consultores inmobiliarios pela Ucrania - Facebook group (PT)
    Portuguese Red Cross (PT)
    Contacts for transporting pets by displaced Ukrainians 
    Specific contact: acsccdimatdgav [dot] pt (acsccdim[at]dgav[dot]pt);
    Direct contact for Veterinary doctors: tcastroatdgav [dot] pt (tcastro[at]dgav[dot]pt) and pdomingosatdgav [dot] pt (pdomingos[at]dgav[dot]pt).

  • Romania

    National contact details:

    Government website dedicated to help Ukrainians (RO / UK)
    Government website with information for help to Ukrainians (RO / UK / EN)
    Web support and information platform for people fleeing the war  (RO / UK / RU / EN)
    Infoline +40 219590
    Inside Romania
    112 Single emergency number – rescue, firefighters, police (also available in UK)
    119 Single number for children – abuse, neglect, exploitation (also available in UK)
    General inspectorate for immigration (RO / EN)+40 214107513
    National Line against Trafficking in Persons 
    From Romania 0800 800 678
    rom abroad +40 213133100

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    UNHCR Romania (EN) Hotline +40 723653 651
    Romanian National Council for Refugees (UK) Hotline +40 730073170
    IOM (EN / UK)
    Dopomoha Platform (UK / RO / EN)
    Hotline for psychological support +40 745139747
    Romanian Red Cross (RO)
    Save the Children (RO)
    World Vision Romania (RO)
    Terre des Hommes (EN / RO)
    FONPC – NGO Federation for Children (RO)
    FONSS – Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Social (RO)

  • Slovakia

    National contact details

    Government’s Information for Ukrainians entering the Slovak republic (SK / UK / EN)
    Ministry of the Interior hotlines for Ukrainian speakers +421 513816111 and +421 259765111
    Permanent service of the Ministry of the Interior +421 248593312
    Ministry of Transport and Construction (UK)
    Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport (SK / UK)
    Košice region hotline +421 2800222550, e-mail pomocukrajineatvucke [dot] sk (pomocukrajine[at]vucke[dot]sk)
    Slovak Embassy in Ukraine +380 674665618
    General Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Uzhhorod +380 503178719
    Diplomatic service of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic +421 2 5978 5978
    Permanent Service of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic +421 2 4859 3312

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Information for Ukrainians entering the Slovak Republic (SK / UK / EN)
    IOM (SK / UK / EN / RU)
    NGO Človek v ohrození  (People in need)  (SK / EN) Infoline +421 917239708
    NGO Sme spolu (Slovak – Ukrainian NGO)  (UK / SK / EN) Hotline +421 911201889
    NGO Iniciativa Kto pomoze Ukrajine (NGO Initiative to help Ukraine) (UK / EN)
    NGO Magna (EN)
    Slovak Red Cross (UK / SK)
    Ukraine-Slovakia Help (UK / SK / EN) Hotline +421 911201889 (Telegram, WhatsApp or Viber), email: ukrajina [dot] sk [dot] sosatgmail [dot] com (ukrajina[dot]sk[dot]sos[at]gmail[dot]com)
    Človek v ohrození (People in Need) Facebook page (SK)
    Human Rights League (SK / EN)
    Mareena Facebook group (SK)
    NGO Nadácia Integra (SK)
    Greek Catholic Eparchy Kosice (SK / UK)

  • Slovenia

    National contact details:

    Government’s website (SL / UK / EN)
    Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the Support and Integration of Migrants +386 12008401, email gp [dot] uoimatgov [dot] si (gp[dot]uoim[at]gov[dot]si)
    Government Hotline (8h00-18h00)
    From Slovenia 0804142
    From abroad +386 14787530, e-mail info [dot] ukrajinaatgov [dot] si (info[dot]ukrajina[at]gov[dot]si)

    Key organisations helping on the ground
    Caritas Slovenia (SL) +386 31470151, e-mail infoatkaritas [dot] si (info[at]karitas[dot]si)
    Ključ Society – Centre for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (SL) 0801722, e-mail infoatdrustvo-kljuc [dot] si (info[at]drustvo-kljuc[dot]si)
    Projekt Ambient (SL / UK) +386 69896705, e-mail projekt [dot] ambient [dot] karieraatgmail [dot] com (projekt[dot]ambient[dot]kariera[at]gmail[dot]com)
    lovene Philanthropy (SL) +386 14301288, e-mail infoatfilantropija [dot] org (info[at]filantropija[dot]org)
    Support network for children and parents (SL)

  • Spain

    National contact details

    Spanish Agency for the International Cooperation and Development webpage (ES)
    Ministry of the Inclusion, Social Security and Migration webpage (ES), with information on temporary protection
    Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration Hotline +34 910474444 (ES / UK)
    Asylum Office (ES)
    National Line against Trafficking in Persons
    From Spain +34 900105090, email trataatguardiacivil [dot] es (trata[at]guardiacivil[dot]es), trataatguardiacivil [dot] es (trata[at]guardiacivil[dot]es)
    Contact of the Embassy of Ukraine in Spain: st. Ronda de Abububia, 52 28043 Madrid, Spain +34917489360, +34913887178
    Phone number for victims of gender-based violence 016

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Spanish Red Cross (ES)
    Cáritas (ES)
    Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (ES)
    Medicos del mundo (ES)
    Aldeas Infantiles (ES)
    Fundaciones (ES)

  • Sweden

    National contact details

    Swedish migration agency (EN), with information on temporary protection.
    Q&A about Temporary Protection (EN)

    Key organisations helping on the ground

    Information Sverige (UK)
    Swedish Red Cross (SV)
    Kvinnofridslinjen (counselling and support to women who have been victims of threats, physical, psychological or sexual violence) (EN / UK): 020-50 50 50.
    Healthcare & Medical Assistance: Vårdguiden 1177 (SV)
    Bris, "Children's Rights in Society" (SV)
    Facebook page Ukrainian refugees in Sweden- Accommodation, Help & Shelter (EN)

  • EU-wide organisations

    EU agencies

    European Union Agency for Asylum (EN / UK / RU)
    Europol (EN

    EU-wide information on legal assistance

    CCBE EU-wide list of contact points for legal assistance (UK / EN)
    European Council on Refugees and Exiles - Overview of national measures in response to arrivals from Ukraine (EN

    EU-wide organisations helping on the ground in EU Member States

    IOM (EN)
    UNHCR (EN)
    European NGO Platform on Asylum and Migration (EN) – List of members (EN)
    European Council on Refugees and Exiles (EN)
    Refugees Welcome International (EN)
    European Guardianship Network assistance to orphans and unaccompanied children (EN)
    European Disability Forum (EN)
    International Catholic Migration Commission (EN)
    International Committee of the Red Cross (EN)
    Save the Children (EN)
    Terre des Hommes (EN)
    Hospitality Support (EN)
    Science for Ukraine (EN)
    Ukraine Shelter (EN / UK)
    United for Ukraine (EN / UK)
    International Rescue Committee (EN

    Organisations fighting against Human Trafficking:

    Missing Children Europe (UK / RU / EN)
    Hotline from the EU 116000
    From outside the EU +31 888009000

    Free air transfers from Moldova to EU countries

    Government of Moldova (EN / UK)

Table updated 19 June 2024