Fast, integrated procedures will ensure clearer responsibilities, helping restore trust between Member States.
Certainty and protection for migrants and refugees
Efficient operation of the system
Credible application of rules
New integrated procedure at the border
New screening
Irregular arrival - Apprehension within territory
- Identification
- Health and security check
- Individual assessment
- Human right monitoring
Location is flexible (can also take place in other locations)
Negative decision likely (Security risk) |
Positive decision likely |
Border asylum procedure | Normal asylum procedure |
Unsuccessful claim for international protection | Successful claim for international protection |
Return | Integration |
Asylum law reforms proposed in 2016 to be adopted: stronger rights, more efficiency
New EU Agency for Asylum for monitoring and guidance
Improved IT system (Eurodac) to support screening, asylum and return processes
Set of new tools on returns:
- more support from Frontex
- newly appointed EU Returns Coordinator and a High Level Network coordinating national action
- sustainable return and reintegration strategy to help countries of origin
Adjusted rules on responsibility for asylum claims
- Rules on which Member State is responsible for every asylum seeker adjusted:
- People with a diploma from a Member State to remain there
- Siblings to be reunited in the same Member State
- Closing loopholes which encouraged people to attempt to abscond during the procedure
- Recognised refugees to benefit from free movement after 3 years (now 5)
Confidence in EU rules: monitoring of and support to national authorities
- European monitoring of national systems to ensure consistency on the ground: Commission, peer reviews by other Member States, Frontex vulnerability assessments, new EU Agency for Asylum monitoring
- Special monitoring of effective access to asylum and respect for fundamental rights by Member States and the Fundamental Rights Agency
- Fully-fledged EU Agency for Asylum offering stronger support, more support from Frontex