Põhisisu juurde

Investment Plan: Portugal

Latest results from the Investment Plan

Hard hat

How Portugal ranks within EU countries

Total investment

March 2022

Total financing under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in Portugal amounts to €4 billion and is set to trigger €13.5 billion in additional investments

Infrastructure and innovation projects

  • 28 approved projects financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) with EFSI backing
  • approximately €1.5 billion total financing
  • set to trigger €5.3 billion in investments

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

  • 20 approved agreements with intermediary banks or funds financed by European Investment Fund (EIF) with EFSI backing
  • €2.5 billion in total financing
  • set to trigger approximately €8.1 billion in investments with some 24,294 SMEs and mid-cap companies expected to benefit from improved access to finance

Examples of projects supported by the Investment Plan in Portugal

Expanding the codfish market: RIBERALVES

Riberalves is a food-processing company in Portugal, looking for new ways to present the national dish – codfish – to consumers with the objective of expanding to new markets. The company produces more than 30,000 tons of codfish every year, equivalent to 8-10% of all codfish caught worldwide, and operates the largest industrial facility in the world exclusively devoted to codfish processing based in Moita, Portugal. To expand its production capacity, Riberalves secured a loan from Banco BPI, guaranteed by the Juncker Plan. The company’s de-salted codfish now reaches customers in over 20 countries.

Industrial transportation: PORTUGUESE PORTS

The EIB is providing €40 million towards a €95 million expansion plan by Yilport Iberia SA of the existing container terminals in Leixões (Porto) and Alcântara (Lisbon), in Portugal. The financing will go towards new handling equipment and additional civil works, like earthworks and demolitions, pavements, access improvement, new buildings, and services and utilities. The aim of the project is to provide the terminals with enough capacity to accommodate more traffic and to alleviate operational constraints.  


The EIB is lending the Nova School of Business and Economics €16 million under the Juncker Plan to design and construct a new 68,000 m² campus in Carcavelos. The new campus will include classrooms, offices, amphitheatres, a library, sports and restaurant facilities, a main auditorium and student housing premises with capacity for 122 students.

Educational toys: SCIENCE4YOU

Science4You is a Portuguese company specialised in developing and producing scientific and educational toys to improve the cognitive capacities of children. The EIB is providing the company a €10 million loan to develop new products and expand its sales.


The EIB is providing €420 million to Águas de Portugal and its operating subsidiaries to finance investments in water infrastructure in Portugal. This loan will facilitate the improvement of the quality, efficiency and sustainability of water and wastewater services in Portugal, by supporting the construction and renovation of the related infrastructure facilities. The upgrading of Portuguese water infrastructures will create more than 7,400 jobs during the implementation stage.


Full list of EFSI-backed projects approved by the EIB

Full list of EFSI-backed agreements with financial intermediaries signed by the EIF