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On 3 May 2023, the Commission and the High Representative adopted a Joint Communication on corruption which sets out existing EU actions to fight corruption and sets a blueprint for further action. This includes the establishment of an EU network against corruption, which aims to foster collaboration, identify trends and maximise the impact and coherence of European efforts to prevent and fight corruption in order to create more effective anti-corruption policies.

Since 2015, the Commission is regularly organising anti-corruption experience-sharing workshops. These workshops have offered anti-corruption practitioners from Member States a forum to exchange on anti-corruption topics and share insights. This work will be extended and deepened through the EU network against corruption, as it brings together national authorities, practitioners, civil society, international organisations, EU agencies and relevant services of the European Commission.

The EU network against corruption is meant as an umbrella forum for all stakeholders in the EU to exchange good practices, opportunities, ideas and plans for further work. The network is inclusive, bringing in also independent civil society organisations, based on the strong belief that sharing different perspectives leads to better results and a more effective anticorruption policy. This will create synergies, avoid duplication and bring mutual benefit for all. The EU network against corruption can also meet in smaller groups of selected stakeholders, where this is considered beneficial.

Interested stakeholders are invited to point out organisational suggestions additional practitioners, organisations or stakeholders to invite, or suggestions of topics that the network should tackle in the future, via HOME-ANTI-CORRUPTIONatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (HOME-ANTI-CORRUPTION[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

First plenary meeting of the EU network against corruption

On 20 September 2023, the EU network against corruption met for the first time in Brussels.

In their opening remarks, Ms. Ylva Johansson, Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ms. Emily O’Reilly, European Ombudsman, and Ms. Ramona Strugariu, Member of the European Parliament, welcomed the creation of the network as a forum to foster effective anti-corruption policies and strengthen citizens' trust in democracies and institutions.

Participants discussed objectives and potential added value of the network, as well as engaged in interactive discussions on some of the good practices and trends identified in the 2023 Rule of Law report, including on combating corruption in seaports, using technology for prevention and repression of corruption, and education and awareness-raising.

Finally, the Commission presented the most relevant funding opportunities for anticorruption projects under Erasmus+, the Internal Security Fund (ISF) and the Technical Support Instrument (TSI).

One of the main objectives of the EU network against corruption will be to provide a new impetus to corruption prevention efforts across the EU and to develop best practices and practical guidance in various areas of common interest.

The fruitful discussions and participants’ contributions will support the European Commission’s anti-corruption work, such as through the mapping of high-risk areas for corruption which is a concrete deliverable for 2024. The knowledge and best practices shared in the EU network, as well as the mapping of high-risk areas in the EU, will also be used for the development of the first EU strategy against corruption.

Relevant documents

Second plenary meeting of the EU network against corruption

On 3 October 2024, the EU Network Against Corruption met in plenary format for the second time.

A video message from Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, opened the meeting, highlighting how Member States have strengthened their commitment to fight corruption, dedicating more resources and making anti-corruption institutions stronger, while stepping up actions on prevention. In their opening remarks, Mr Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, and Mr François Valérian, President of the Board at Transparency International, underlined the importance of engaging civil society representatives and the private sector in the fight against corruption.

The plenary started with an overview of the work carried out by the Commission in the last year, including the publication of fifth Rule of Law Report in July 2024 and the launch of the Anti-Corruption Partnership Forum. The Commission also presented a first draft of the EU Network’s Rules of Procedure, ensuring high standards of transparency.

Representatives of anti-corruption networks active across the EU presented their ongoing work and upcoming activities to stimulate synergies. Participants then focused on how to efficiently assess corruption risks at national level, and were presented with the findings of an external study on high-risk areas of corruption. They later exchanged success stories and strategies for fighting high level corruption, with speakers from national prosecution authorities underlining the critical role of civil society in monitoring such cases.

The outcomes of the second plenary will support the Commission in developing practical guidance on various areas of common interest and in building the first EU anti-corruption strategy.

Funding anti-corruption projects

The Commission also supports projects aimed at improving integrity and addressing corruption in EU countries, amongst others. Currently ongoing anti-corruption projects, funded under the Internal Security Fund Police (ISFP) 2014-2020 include:

The Internal Security Fund (ISF) 2021-2027 funds projects to fight corruption. The first Work Programme of ISF includes a dedicated call for proposals on projects covering a wide variety of key policy priorities including preventing corruption in risks sectors, assessing the impact of implemented anti-corruption measures. Enhancing cross-links with organised crime infiltration in the public system, enhancing the effectiveness of corruption prosecution and implementing best practices across the EU. Publication of the call is expected in the first half of 2022.

The Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) coordinates and provides tailor-made technical support to EU Member States, in cooperation with the relevant Commission services. The support is primarily provided through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI). The goal is to support Member States’ efforts to design and implement resilience-enhancing reforms, thereby contributing to the EU’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, improving the quality of public services and getting back on the path of sustainable and inclusive growth.

The Commission’s Quality Administration Toolbox provides a reference and resource by pointing readers to existing EU policies and international practices in the field of public administration and governance

Furthermore, the Commission publishes calls on research and activities related to the fight against corruption. These calls are also open to private entities and NGOs.

Thematic Workshops

Under the framework of the EU network against corruption, the Commission organises regularly anti-corruption thematic workshops across the EU to share experience and best practices among national authorities and experts. Over the years, similar workshops have been conducted under different settings to offer anti-corruption practitioners from Member States a forum to exchange on anti-corruption topics and share insights.

National workshops

Following the yearly publication of the Rule of Law report, the European Commission is organising national rule of law dialogues to enhance stakeholder engagement in the follow-up to the Rule of Law reports. Since 2023, the European Commission started organising national workshops to follow up on individual country chapters and encourage specific discussions around the anti-corruption pillar of the Rule of Law report. These meetings provide an opportunity for EU Member States' anti-corruption stakeholders to engage in dialogue and raise awareness on anti-corruption and integrity.

Organised locally in EU Member States on a small scale, these workshops bring together up to 40 selected people among civil society, business, academia and national authorities, as well as European Commission representatives. They are organised in a closed environment under Chatham House rule to foster dialogue in a trustworthy environment. The dialogue is supported by an external expert facilitator, while participants engage in discussions into small groups of 4-5 people, following the World Café method. The World Café method follows a regular rotation of both groups’ composition and discussed topics, with the aim to share results and insights with the plenary.

Past events:

2024 Rule of Law report

  • 7 October 2024: Italy (Rome)
  • 10 October 2024: the Netherlands (the Hague)
  • 24 October 2024: Malta (Valletta)
  • 11 November 2024: Bulgaria (Sofia)
  • 28 November 2024: Latvia (Riga) 
  • 3 December 2024: Ireland (Dublin) 
  • 4 December 2024: Portugal (Lisbon) 

2023 Rule of Law report

  • 19 October 2023: Spain (Madrid)
  • 09 November 2023: Sweden (Stockholm)
  • 21 November 2023: Croatia (Zagreb)
  • 12 January 2024: France (Paris)
  • 16 January 2024: Slovenia (Ljubljana)
  • 16 January 2024: Finland (Helsinki)