The EU budget is not and has never been about giving and taking. Everybody is a winner from being part of the single market, addressing the challenge of migration and fighting terrorism and climate change together. It is important to look at the added value of the EU as a whole and remember that everybody benefits from the EU budget. However, in certain policy areas Member States received pre-assigned amounts. These come in the form of: financial envelopes (cohesion policy funds to European regions, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, allocations for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, the Just Transition Fund, and the nuclear decommissioning assistance programme), or national ceilings (direct payments to farmers within the common agricultural policy). In addition, EU countries and other beneficiaries have access to the programmes for which no pre-allocated envelopes exist. Allocations and payments A full overview is in the comprehensive brochure on MFF 2021-2027 and NextGenerationEU NextGenerationEU 28 SEPTEMBER 2020Recovery and Resilience Facility – Grants allocation per Member State For the updated allocations see Updated Member States’ grant allocation based on Eurostat outturn data for 2020 and 2021 21 OCTOBER 2020REACT-EU allocations 2021 and 2022 8 FEBRUARY 2021NGEU Breakdown of European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development per Member State (current prices) MFF 2021-2027 28 SEPTEMBER 2020MFF 2021-2027 Breakdown of Cohesion Policy allocations per Member State (current prices) 25 SEPTEMBER 2020MFF 2021-2027 Breakdown of European Agricultural Guarantee Fund per Member State (current prices) 25 SEPTEMBER 2020MFF 2021-2027 Breakdown of European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development per Member State (MFF only, current prices) MFF 2021-2027 and NextGeneration 5 NOVEMBER 2020Just Transition Fund – Allocations per Member State 18 FEBRUARY 2022Brexit Adjustment Reserve: Provisional allocation per Member State (in million EUR, current prices)