Details Publication date9 July 2021 (Last updated on: 22 December 2021)Related departmentDirectorate-General for Budget Description Commission's proposal: Draft Amending Budget 5/2021, COM(2021) 460 – 9 July 2021Council's position: 5 October 2021Parliament's position: 24 November 2021 The purpose of Amending Budget (AB) No 5 for the year 2021 is to provide continued support to the most vulnerable of the around 3,7 million refugees in Türkiye as a consequence of the Syria crisis. This AB represents the first component of the Commission’s formal proposals for the continuation of financing for Syrian refugees and host communities in Türkiye, Jordan, Lebanon and other parts of the region within the context of the EU’s overall migration policy. Under the MFF heading 6 “Neighbourhood and the World”, EUR 149,6 million in commitment appropriations are requested to ensure the continuation of humanitarian support to refugees in Türkiye. No additional payment appropriations are requested for this purpose in 2021. Files 22 DECEMBER 2021AB 5/2021, OJ L 460, 22.12.2021Other languages (2)Deutsch(280.83 KB - HTML)Downloadfrançais(280.87 KB - HTML)Download