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Reference documents - Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels

Memos, guides, policy papers and other documents on Commission buildings and standards. 

Buildings policy

Memo on the adoption of a guide to the Commission's architectural policy

Guide to the Commission's architectural policy

Memo on prospecting and negotiating for buildings

Buildings policy paper

Policy paper on buildings and infrastructure in Brussels

Buildings standards

Reference documents on rules applicable to standard building (MIT) and buildings policy for Commission departments and external property developers, as well as technical characteristics to be met by Commission buildings.

14 GRUDNIA 2020
MIT 2019 I. Performances and technical specifications v.1.2
14 GRUDNIA 2020
MIT 2019 II.1. Documentation and commissioning v1.1
14 GRUDNIA 2020
MIT 2019 II.2. Specific areas v1.1
30 CZERWCA 2021
Tableau MIT 2019

Information guides - legal aspects

The following documents aim to improve transparency and provide stakeholders with clearer and more detailed information on the general principles and contractual conditions that the Commission wishes to be respected.

14 GRUDNIA 2020
Guide on the granting of a usufruct in favour of the Commission
14 GRUDNIA 2020
Guide to acquire full ownership of a building in Brussels

Measuring Code

The Measuring Code and its annex are applicable to Commission buildings in Brussels. By systematically using this code, we ensure the same surveying system is used for buildings with very different architectural design.

Measuring code
28 STYCZNIA 2021
Measuring code annex

Community eco-management and audit scheme

Commission Decision on the application by the Commission services of the Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)