What the Commission is doing
- Helping farmers to produce sufficient quantities of safe food, produced respecting EU norms on sustainability, environmental rules, animal welfare, traceability, etc.
- Providing farm businesses with support systems to help stabilise their incomes in the face of less predictable production conditions
- Facilitating investment in a sustainable, modern farming sector
- Maintaining viable rural communities, with diverse economies
- Creating and maintaining jobs throughout the food chain
Key initiatives
European Innovation Partnership for Agriculture, Productivity and Sustainability.
The ENRD contributes to the effective implementation of rural development in the EU by generating and sharing information across rural Europe.
The Commission publishes a series of sectoral dashboards showing market data, production and price trends, demonstrating market transparency.
EU quality schemes identify products and foodstuffs farmed and produced to exacting specifications as required by European law.
Explore funding opportunities for agricultural products, find a project partner, and get support and guidance to export your products.