Commission work programme - European Commission
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Commission work programme

Every year, the Commission adopts its annual work programme setting out the list of the most important new policy and legislative initiatives it will take in the year ahead.

The work programme is a key vehicle to deliver on commitments outlined in the Political Guidelines and the mission letters set by President von der Leyen to each College Member. 

Following its adoption, the work programme is presented to the European Parliament Plenary and subsequently to the General Affairs Council. 

On the basis of the Commission work programme and priorities put forward by the other institutions, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council establish a Joint Declaration on the EU’s legislative priorities for 2025 and Joint Conclusions on priorities for the term.

The work programme does not cover the ongoing work of the Commission as the guardian of the Treaties enforcing existing legislation, or routine initiatives that the Commission adopts every year.

2025 Commission work programme

New Policy initiatives
11 out of 18
Legislative initiatives are packages or initiatives with simplification objective or significant simplification dimension
Evaluations and Fitness Checks, kickstarting a process to stress-test the stock of EU legislation, to identify potential to simplify, to reduce costs
Proposal for withdrawal
Proposals to repeal
Pending proposals

A bolder, simpler, faster Union: the 2025 Commission work programme

The 2025 Commission work programme outlines its ambition to boost competitiveness, enhance security, and bolster economic resilience in the EU. 

The work programme focuses on the main initiatives the Commission will take in the first year of its mandate, responding to the issues that matter most to Europeans. It reflects the need for more opportunities, innovation, and growth for our citizens and businesses, ultimately fostering a more secure and prosperous EU. The proposed initiatives are laid out in a dedicated annex together with the evaluations and fitness checks.

The work programme is accompanied by a Communication on Implementation and Simplification. It sets out how the Commission's plans to make implementation of EU rules easier in practice, reduce administrative burdens and simplify EU rules. It contains targets and tools to lighten the regulatory load, boost competitiveness and resilience and deliver fast and meaningful improvements for people and businesses.