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Investment Plan: France

Latest results from the Investment Plan

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How France ranks within EU countries

Total investment

March 2022

  • Total financing under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in France amounts to €16.5 billion and is set to trigger €85 billion in additional investments

Infrastructure and innovation projects

  • 162 approved projects financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) with EFSI backing
  • approximately €13 billion in total financing
  • set to trigger €58 billion in total investment

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

  • 68 approved agreements with intermediary banks financed by European Investment Fund (EIF) with EFSI backing
  • €3.9 billion in total financing
  • set to trigger approximately €26.6 billion in investments with some 332 726 SMEs and mid-cap companies expected to benefit from improved access to finance

Examples of projects supported by the Investment Plan in France

Energy-efficient buildings: BORDEAUX MÉTROPOLE ÉNERGIES

A €37.5 million loan is supporting the mission of Bordeaux Métropole Énergies to make residential and commercial buildings in the Bordeaux metropolitan area more energy efficient. The renovation work includes the insulation of buildings, upgrading of ventilation systems and improvement of heating and hot water production systems. These measures can also mean a reduction in energy bills and increase in property value. Bordeaux is committed to reducing its energy consumption and becoming a positive energy metropolitan area by 2050.

Artificial hearts: CARMAT

Carmat is a ground-breaking medical research and development company that has designed a total artificial heart with the aim of providing an alternative to a heart transplant with real organs for patients suffering from end-stage heart failure. A €30 million loan is helping to finance Carmat’s clinical trials and increase its production capacity, transforming it from a research entity to a commercial one, with the hope of bringing the artificial heart to market in the near future.

Cancer treatment: NANOBIOTIX

French biotechnology company Nanobiotix has received a €40 million loan to invest in research, development and innovation activities. Nanobiotix has developed a technology to enhance existing oncology treatment and to potentially bring a new dimension to cancer therapies. The financing will be used to carry out clinical trials of its patented nanoparticle radio-enhancer product with a view to bringing it to market. The technology is aimed at treating soft tissue sarcomas, head and neck cancers and other solid tumours.

Recycling aviation grade titanium: ECOTITANIUM

The EIB is lending €30 million to EcoTitanium to build and operate Europe’s first recycling plant for aviation grade titanium. EcoTitanium will recycle and re-melt aviation-grade scrap titanium metal and titanium alloys. All aviation-grade European titanium scrap currently has to be exported, mainly to the United States, as no such facility exists in Europe. The project would help establish a circular economy for titanium metal and alloys in Europe.


The EIB is providing a €55 million loan to Les maitres laitiers du Cotentin to build a new production unit in a dairy production plant. Cotentin is one of the most modern factories in Europe. This new production unit financed by the Juncker Plan will allow the agricultural cooperative to produce infant milk and UHT milk as well as to upgrade the production of other goods such as cream and butter.


Full list of EFSI-backed projects approved by the EIB

Full list of EFSI-backed agreements with financial intermediaries signed by the EIF