Page contentsPage contents How Italy ranks within EU countries Total investment March 2022 Total financing under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in Italy amounts to €13.1 billion and is set to trigger €76.2 billion in additional investments Infrastructure and innovation projects 114 approved projects financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) with EFSI backing approximately €8.7 billion in total financing set to trigger €38 billion in total investment Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 99 approved agreements with intermediary banks or funds financed by European Investment Fund (EIF) with EFSI backing €4.4 billion in total financing set to trigger approximately €38.3 billion in investments with some 404,2 SMEs and mid-cap companies expected to benefit from improved access to finance Examples of projects supported by the Investment Plan in Italy Upgrading water systems: ASA LIVORNO The EIB is providing Azienda Servizi Ambientali SpA (ASA) €30 million in finance for its €115 million investment project. The project consists of investments in water and waste water infrastructure in the Italian provinces of Livorno, Pisa and Siena (Tuscany Region) during the 2018 – 2022 period. This will benefit 32 municipalities with a total population of around 370,000 inhabitants. The upgrades will optimise existing water production, transfer and distribution systems as well as the wastewater collection and treatment works. Connected Europe: PIEDMONT-SAVOY A €130 million loan is supporting the “Piedmont-Savoy” electricity inter-connector linking Italy and France. The high-voltage power interconnector between Piossasco in Italy and Grande-Île in France will provide an overall cross-border exchange capacity of 1,200 MW. Measuring 190 km, this will be the world's longest direct current cable power line, fully integrated within the transmission infrastructure system and therefore ‘invisible’. Project promoter Terna places a strong focus on sustainability, ensuring minimal environmental impact. The work is expected to be completed by the end of 2019, increasing exchange capacity between the two countries by 40%. Treating neurological disorders: NEWRON PHARMACEUTICALS Newron Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel therapies for patients with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. A €40 million loan is helping to boost Newron’s research and development activities in the search for new treatments for rare diseases. Hospital renovation: TREVISO The EIB is providing €70 million under the Juncker Plan to Ospedal Grando S.p.A., to support the design, construction and operation of the new Cittadella della Salute within the Ca’ Foncello Hospital in Treviso. The project entails the refurbishment of some existing buildings and the construction of new ones, including an enhanced medical centre with almost 1,000 beds and new research and logistical facilities. The buildings will meet higher energy standards allowing for savings and lower CO2 emissions. Italgas smart metering The EIB is providing €300 million to Italgas to roll out gas meters in Italy. The project aims to improve efficiency of the gas distribution system, increase customer information and awareness, while facilitating remote reading. Full list of EFSI-backed projects approved by the EIB Full list of EFSI-backed agreements with financial intermediaries signed by the EIF