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Pluralism and democracy

Funding opportunities in the area of promoting pluralism and democracy.


Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is an EU programme for research and innovation. The main Horizon 2020 work programme comprises 18 thematic sections. The thematic section societal challenge includes funding for research on the themes of inclusive, innovative and reflective societies addressing social exclusion, discrimination and various forms of inequalities, as well as collective memory, identities, tolerance and cultural heritage.

Horizon 2012 - how to apply for funding .

Search for open calls for proposals.

Budget: €77 billion

Eligible actions

Project priorities cover topics such as inequalities in the EU and their consequences for democracy, social cohesion and inclusion, radicalisation, democratic discourse and the rule of law, religious diversity in Europe, and European cultural heritage.

Eligible applicants

Eligible applicants are universities, research institutes, public authorities as well as private companies (SMEs). For more information, please consult the participant portal.

Examples of projects

EURISLAM (Total investment: €1,960,430. EU contribution: €1,448,283)

This project analysed how national traditions of identity, citizenship and church-state relations influence the interaction between Muslim and other communities.

PIDOP (Total investment: €1,933,585. EU Contribution: €1,499,839)

PIDOP examined processes of democratic ownership and participation. Young people, women, minorities and migrants were looked at as four specific groups at risk of political disengagement.

Frame (Total investment: €8,271,123. EU contribution: €6,435,059)

FRAME is a 4-year project of a consortium of 19 human rights institutes from Europe. The project aims to provide building blocks for a coherent EU human rights policy.

BEUCITIZEN (Total investment: €8,429,336. EU contribution: €6,490,312)

BEUCITIZEN sets out to identify and analyse obstacles that hinder European citizens from using their rights, and the reasons behind it.

RELIGARE (Total investment: €3,435,533. EU contribution: €2,699,943)

RELIGARE examined the current situation of and legal rules protecting or limiting religious communities. The project also explored adequate policy responses.


Europe for citizens programme

The aim of the Europe for citizens programme is to contribute to citizens' understanding of the common history, values and diversity of the EU, and to improve the conditions for civic and democratic participation at EU level – this by developing their understanding of the EU policy making-process, stimulating their interest and involvement in the subject.

Open calls for proposals.

Budget: €185.5 million

Eligible actions

Eligible for funding are projects on twinning, educational projects, exhibitions, seminars or conferences raising awareness of remembrance and European values.

Eligible applicants

The programme is open to public bodies and non-profit organisations. Visit the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) website for information on conditions and procedures and on how to apply.

Examples of projects:

SUCCESS (Total investment: €150,000)

SUCCESS is a network of young people living in multicultural and disadvantaged neighbourhoods of major European cities - Montreuil, Palermo, Oeiras, and Birmingham. The objective of the project is to counter populist, racist and xenophobic discourse in Europe and promote the values of European citizenship.

Citizens project (Total investment: €147,852,60) EACEA

The project aimed to set up a laboratory of direct participation in the European debate, after the election of the new European Parliament in 2014.

ERASMUS+ Programme​


Since 2014, Erasmus+ brings together seven existing EU programmes in the fields of education, training, and youth. It also covers sport for the first time. Erasmus+ aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising education, training, and youth work.

Information about open calls for proposals is available at this website . In addition, the detailed conditions of the published calls for proposals can be found in the Erasmus+ programme guide (pdf).

Budget: €14.7 billion

Eligible actions

The programme covers mobility projects for learners and staff in different types of education, for example traineeships, youth exchanges, volunteering, as well as Erasmus Mundus joint master degrees, Erasmus+ master loans, strategic partnerships, knowledge and sector skills alliances, capacity building in the field of higher education, and Jean Monnet activities, which promote excellence in teaching and research in European union studies.

The programme aims to address all kinds of intolerance and discrimination and to promote voluntary activities in sport, social inclusion and access to sport for all. The programme especially aims at supporting social inclusion of refugees and migrants, as well as preventing radicalisation.

Eligible applicants

The programme is open to any organisation active in education, training, youth or sport. Specific actions are also open to other actors in the labour market. Organisations can contact their national agency or the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels for more information.

Examples of projects

Exploring our values as Europeans (Total Investment: €152,630)

This project for students explores the history of European values. During many events participants gain a better understanding and awareness of European values and become active participants in democratic life in Europe.

Culture of democracy (Total Investment: €58,282)

The project promotes a culture of pluralism, active citizenship and young people’s participation in civic and political structures.

Promoting active participation among migrants (Total Investment: €9,254)

The objective of the project is to help immigrants understand the added value of political and civic participation and encourage them to get involved.

Fundamental rights

Rights, equality and citizenship programme

The Rights, equality and citizenship programme aims to promote non-discrimination (on the grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation), as well as to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance.

Budget: €439 million

Eligible applicants

All legally constituted public or private organisations, or international organisations from all the EU countries, Iceland and Liechtenstein are eligible. Organisations that are profit-oriented shall have access to the programme only in conjunction with non-profit or public organisations.

Eligible actions

Eligible actions include training activities, mutual learning, cooperation activities, exchange of good practices, peer reviews, development of ICT tools, awareness raising activities, dissemination, conferences, support for key actors such as European non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and networks, EU countries' authorities. The programme also covers analytical activities such as studies and surveys.

Examples of projects

Operation Vote

The project aimed to raise awareness among mobile EU citizens of their electoral rights. The programme also aimed at increasing people's political participation through close cooperation with NGOs.

MEDIANE – Media in Europe for diversity inclusiveness (Total Investment: € 1,034,715.63)

The project by the Council of Europe focused on the media’s capacity to reflect the diversity of today’s European societies in the content produced.

MARS - Media Against Racism in Sport (Total Investment: €1,229,167.57)

The project focused on diverse and non-discriminative media coverage of sport. Sport is important for building social cohesion and it is also a major sector of investment in the media industry. However, media coverage of sport does not always reflect social and cultural diversity. The project highlighted the benefits of diverse and non-discriminatory approaches in content design and production processes.

Justice programme 

The Justice programme contributes to the further development of a European area of justice based on mutual recognition and mutual trust. It promotes among others judicial cooperation in criminal matters, judicial training, as well as effective access to justice in Europe, including rights of victims of crime and procedural rights in criminal proceedings.

Budget: €378 million

Eligible actions

Eligible actions include training activities such as staff exchanges, workshops, development of training modules, mutual learning, cooperation activities, exchange of good practices, awareness raising activities, dissemination, conferences, as well as support for key actors (European NGOs and networks, EU countries' authorities). The programme also covers analytical activities such as studies, data collection and surveys.

Eligible applicants

All public or private organisations, international organisations from all EU countries except for the UK and Denmark are eligible. Profit-oriented organisations are eligible only as part of a consortium with non-profit organisations.

Examples of projects

European network of national human rights institutions (ENNHRI) (Total Investment: €174,377 in 2015)

The mission of ENNHRI is to support and strengthen European national human rights institutions, to enable them to protect and promote human rights effectively. The operating grant in the area of fundamental rights covered a number of projects aimed at improving access to justice.

Association of the Councils of State and Supreme administrative jurisdictions of the European Union (Total investment: €361,210)

ACA-Europe is composed of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the councils of Sstate or the supreme administrative jurisdictions of each EU country. The operating grant covered activities such as meetings, seminars and the development of case law databases on access to justice.