Expert groups The European Commission consults a number of consumer expert groups in its policy-making process. General product safety The general product safety directive (GPSD) committee assists the European Commission in tasks related to the implementation of the general product safety directive, such as when the Commission requests EU countries to withdraw dangerous products from the market. The committee is made up of delegates from national ministries or authorities that are responsible for product safety on a national level. Consumer safety network The consumer safety network is a consultative expert group chaired by the European Commission and composed of national experts from all EU countries, as well as Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The safety of consumer products and data collection are the main areas of discussion. The network meets on average 3 times a year, usually in conjunction with the general product safety committee meetings. Minutes of consumer safety network meetings Non-food consumer products Better traceability of products helps the market surveillance authorities of EU countries find dangerous products and remove them from the market. The authorities cooperate through the rapid alert system. The expert group was set up in 2011 and had a 2-year mandate to advise the Commission on good practice and problems related to improving the traceability of non-food products. Final report of the expert group on product traceability, 2013 (pdf) Financial Services User Group (FSUG) The Financial Services User Group (FSUG) is a group representing the interests of consumers, retail investors and small businesses. FSUG provides input into the Commission's policy-making for finance.