Details Publication date25 October 2024Related departmentDirectorate-General for Budget Description Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to provide assistance to Germany and Italy relating to floods occurred in 2024.This decision covers the mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund (hereinafter referred to as ‘the EUSF’) in accordance with Council Reglation (EC) No 2012/2002 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the EUSF Regulation’) for an amount of EUR 116 031 553 to provide assistance to Germany and Italy in relation to the natural disaster (floods) that took place in 2024.This mobilisation is accompanied by DEC No 14/2024 that proposes to transfer the amount of EUR 116 031 553 from the European Solidarity Reserve (hereinafter referred as ‘the ESR’) reserve line to the EUSF operational budget line, both in commitments and payments appropriations. Files 25 OCTOBER 2024EUSF COM(2024) 480